Best Albedo Build in Genshin Impact

Best Albedo Build in Genshin Impact

This article is over 4 years old and may contain outdated information

Albedo is an upcoming 5-star character in Genshin Impact. He’s the Chief Alchemist and Captain of Investigation at the Knights of Favonius. This sword-wielding Geo character can be strong support for most teams, as well as a primary DPS if you build him correctly. In this guide, we’ll look at the move sets, constellations, and some potential best Albedo builds in Genshin Impact.

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If you’re planning on pulling for Albedo, you might want to get to work on farming Cecilia and Forbidden Curse Scrolls. These are his ascension materials, so you’ll need many of them to take him to max level. Here’s a quick rundown of his potential skills, which are not official, and subject to change at the official release:

  • Favonius Bladework (Normal Attack)
    • Normal attack performs five rapid strikes.
    • Charged attacks consume Stamina to unleash two rapid strikes.
    • Plunging attack damage opponents below with an AoE.
  • Abiogenesis: Solar Isotoma: Albedo makes a Solar Isotoma with alchemy, dealing AoE damage on appearance.
    • When enemies within the Solar Isotoma field take damage, it generates Transient Blossoms (once every 2 seconds), which deals AoE Geo damage that scales off Albedo’s DEF stats.
    • Standing on the Solar Isotoma acts like an elevator and can push you up a certain height.
    • Only one Isotoma can exist at a time and is classified as a Geo Construct.
  • Rite of Progeniture: Tectonic Tide
    • Under Albedo’s command, Geo crystals surge and deal AoE Geo DMG in front of him.
    • When an Isotoma is on the field, 7 Fatal Blossoms spawn and burst into AoE Geo damage.
    • Tectonic Tide and Fatal Blossom damage do not generate Transient BLossoms.

Best Albedo Build in Genshin Impact

Here are the best weapons, stats, and artifact sets to get for Albedo:

  • Weapons: The Flute, Festering Desire, Favonius Sword, Harbinger of Dawn
  • Stats: DEF, Geo DMG, ATK, CRIT
  • Artifacts: Archaic Petra, Noblesse Oblige, Berserker

Best Albedo Weapons

Albedo is reasonably flexible in terms of which one-handed swords he can use. One of the best weapons to run on him is a new weapon, likely introduced with update 1.2. We’re talking about the Festering Desire, which gives Energy Recharge as the secondary stat. The passive is Undying Admiration, which increases Elemental Skill damage by 16% and Elemental Skill critical rate by 6%. 

Some other good options are Favonius Sword, for Elemental Recharge % and the Elemental Particle passives. You can also consider something like The Flute for the Chord passive, which grants Harmonics on hit. Five harmonics trigger the power of music, dealing 100% attack damage to surrounding enemies. 

Another great weapon for Albedo is the three-star Harbinger of Dawn. The weapon is easy to obtain and provides one of the best passives in the game. Vigorous increases CRIT rate when your character’s HP is above 90%. Fully refining this weapon gets the CRIT passive to 28%, which is some serious damage. Not to mention, its secondary stat is CRIT dmg which makes it even better for increased damage output.

Best Albedo Stats

Albedo’s Solar Isotoma move scales with DEF, so that’s one of the stats you’ll want to focus on maximizing. Aside from that, it depends on how you want to work Albedo into your team compositions. For example, if you’re looking to build pure support, you may want some Energy Recharge as a secondary. 

You’ll want to focus on more ATK and CRIT for Albedo for optimal damage output in a DPS role. Consider running a plus Geo bonus damage Goblet, as Albedo consistently dishes out a ton of damage for this element. 

Best Albedo Artifacts

In terms of Artifact sets, the two-piece Archaic Petra bonus will no doubt be strong on Albedo. It grants a 15% Geo damage bonus overall, which will increase his damage output significantly. Mixing it with something like Noblesse Oblige for the two-piece 20% Elemental Burst damage bonus could be the right move. 

For lower-level gear sets and temporary pieces, Berserker gear is an excellent alternative to Archaic and Noblesse. 

Albedo Constellations

  • Flower of Eden: Transient Blossoms generated by Albedo’s Abiogenesis: Solar Isotoma regenerate 1.2 Energy for Albedo.
  • Opening of Phanerozoic: Transient Blossoms generated by Abiogenesis: Solar Isotoma grant Albedo Fatal Reckoning for 30-seconds. Each stack of Fatal Reckoning increases damage by 30% of Albedo’s defense, stacking up to 4 times. Unleashing Rite of Progeniture: Tectonic Tide consumes all stacks of Fatal Reckoning, increasing the Tectonic Tide and Fatal Blossoms’ damage based on the number of stacks consumed.
  • Grace of Helios: Increases the level of Abiogenesis: Solar Isotoma by 3.
  • Descent of Divinity: Solar Isotoma increases Plunging Attack damage by 30% for active party members within the area of effect.
  • Tide of Hadean: Increases the level of Rite of Progeniture: Tectonic Tide by 3. 
  • Dust of Purification: If a shield created by Crystallize protects active party members within the area of effect, Solar Isotoma increases their damage by 17%.
Image of Cole Andrews
Cole Andrews
Cole is a lifelong PC gamer who loves FPS, RPG, and MMO games. The first PC game that got him hooked was the Counter-Strike beta in 1999. He has thousands of hours in all of the old-school Blizzard games like Starcraft, Warcraft, and Diablo.