Trying to figure out how to beat Jessie and James in Pokemon Go in July 2020? You may have noticed Team Rocket Balloons occasionally flying through the sky around your location. In addition to these balloons, you will see Meowth Balloons fly by as well. Activating the Meowth Balloon will enter you into a battle with Jessie and James. Here’s a look at their Pokemon lineup, and some tips for winning.
Jessie and James are grunt level opponents, so the fight is not as bad as you might anticipate. You will also fight both of them back to back, so it technically counts as two Balloons. Here’s how to find and beat Jessie and James in Pokemon Go for July 2020.
How to find and beat Jessie and James in Pokemon Go
To find Jessie in James in Pokemon Go during July, you will need to look out for Meowth Balloons. These balloons are part of the Team GO Rocket Leader event, and they have a random chance to spawn in the skies above you. Make sure you zoom out on your map, and you will occasionally see balloons floating overhead.
There are regular Team Rocket Balloons marked by an “R,” and a different set of Balloons that have Meowth’s face. Tap on the Meowth Balloon as you would the normal ones, and you will enter a battle with Jessie and James. When tapping the Team Rocket Balloons, you will face off against grunts, decoys, or leaders.
Jessie’s Pokemon Line-up
Here’s the team of Pokemon Jessie uses:
- Ekans: Poison-type
- Scyther: Bug/Flying-type
- Bagon: Dragon-type
- Reward: Ekans (s)
Ekans is vulnerable to Psychic and Ground. Scyther is weak to Rock, Fire, Flying, Ice, and Electric, while Bagon is weak to Fairy, Dragon, and Ice. Go for a Pokemon with Psychic based attacks to rip through Ekans and an Ice-type for Scyther and Bagon.
James’ Pokemon Line-up
Here’s the team of Pokemon James uses:
- Koffing: Poison-type
- Sneasel: Dark/Ice-type
- Beldum: Steel/Psychic-type
- Reward: Koffing (s)
Koffing is vulnerable to Psychic and Ground, while Sneasel is vulnerable to Fighting, Fairy, Bug, Steel, Fire, and Rock. Beldum is susceptible to Fire, Dark, Ground, and Ghost.
Overall, the fight is a bit easier than normal grunts. Using your default lineup should be fine, as they do not even use shields to block your attacks.
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Published: Jul 13, 2020 01:57 am