Reaching 100% Exploration Progress might not give a reward itself, however, it will push you to explore more of Teyvat and naturally find more treasure on your journey.
The game provides you with all the tools to complete your Exploration Progress, so those of you who like to stay away from the crowdsourced maps online can breathe a sigh of relief now. Here’s our guide on how to achieve 100% exploration progress in Genshin Impact.
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How To Achieve 100% Exploration Progress In Genshin Impact?

Considering how massive the game is, we have opted to give you some useful adventure experiences to complete your Exploration Progress. The advantage this kind of information has over a map of locations is that it can help you in all aspects of the game rather than just one. Exploration Progress is impacted by so many games features that it would only be beneficial to train your adventure skills now rather than later, especially before future map updates occur.
Note: While this guide will not cover specifics about completing Dragonspine’s Exploration Progress, many of the tips (besides the Gadgets) will still be helpful.
We will try to go over as much useful advice as we can give you. Even though some of them may seem redundant, we want to make sure that we don’t skip anything important, and besides, often, even the most experienced gamers skip something that is a crucial game feature.
Complete Quests
The first thing you should do is make sure that you’ve completed all world quests, story, and archon quests in that order. World quests are tailored in a way that lets you explore the whole map, after which you can approach each area individually and try to get it to 100% Exploration Progress.
Completing these named and regular quests will also unlock hidden regions that you can’t access from the start of the game. So, here, the general piece of advice is that you don’t attempt to get one region to 100% before you’ve explored the whole map and completed all quests.
Daily Commission Rewards
You should always set Daily Commission Rewards for the region you’re exploring, as it can help you with those exploration percentages. It’s not guaranteed that it will help you in every region, but in some, it will.
Reputation Centers
Visit Reputation Centers in every region and check whether there are any quests there that have not been completed. Sometimes, you will see quests there that you can’t see on the world quest menu.
Statue of the Seven and Teleport Waypoints
Opening up your map by activating Statues of the Seven and Teleport Waypoints is by far the best way to increase your Exploration Progress. Not only will you get to see the wonders of Teyvat, but we guarantee you’ll stumble across plenty of Treasure Chests, Oculi, and more by unlocking these integral locations.
While many interactive online maps display the precise locations of all Oculi, a more satisfying alternative may be to spend time at the Alchemy Table crafting Geoculus or Anemoculus Resonance Stones. You must be Adventure Rank 25 and have Reputation Level 2 in Mondstadt and/or Liyue to receive the corresponding recipes to these Gadgets.
Unfortunately, each Resonance Stone has only a single use before vanishing from your inventory. Stock up on some of these materials if you want to craft several Anemoculus or Geoculus Resonance Stones:
- Crafting materials needed for Anemoculus Resonance Stone: Dandelion Seed (x5), Cecilia (x5), Crystal Chunk (x1)
- Crafting materials needed for Geoculus Resonance Stone: Cor Lapis (x5), Glaze Lily (x5), Crystal Chunk (x1)

Treasure Chests (Seelies, Ruin Puzzles, Balloon Flowers, etc.)
Like the Oculi, there is an underrated in-game gadget that will help you find all the (wonderfully) hidden Treasure Chests of Teyvat. Thankfully, this Gadget does not disappear after one use and stays in your inventory permanently. Keep in mind that it may point you toward a Treasure Chest hidden behind breakable rocks or unsolved puzzles!
As a reward for reaching Reputation Level 6 in Mondstadt and/or Liyue, you are given the blueprints to these Treasure Compass Gadgets. Just make sure you head to the Blacksmith to forge them and not to the Alchemy Table by mistake…
- Forging materials needed for Anemo Treasure Compass: Golden Raven Insignia (10), Philanemo Mushrooms (30), Crystal Chunks (50)
- Forging materials needed for Geo Treasure Compass: Golden Raven Insignia (10), Cor Lapis (30), Crystal Chunks (50)
You can check out our guide on where to farm Treasure Hoarder Insignias to help you get the necessary Golden Raven Insignia material.

Note: 100% Exploration Progress does not mean every Treasure Chest has been found. You can continue to use your Treasure Compasses to find more chests, although they may be much more difficult to spot!
Tips For Adventurers
If you’re looking for ways to increase your Exploration Progress and you’re not quite to the Adventure Rank or Reputation Levels we mentioned earlier, just enjoy the view as you play and follow these general adventure tips.
- Collect every shiny thing you see, you’ll thank us later.
- Try to get high ground so you can overlook your surroundings and don’t miss anything.
- Take advantage of Elemental Sight! It will help you spot everything easier.
- Use your Map Pins to help you keep your bearings and mark the stuff you choose to skip over.
- Move around the hard-to-reach places around the map and check if you’ve missed picking up items from there.
Many of Genshin Impact’s core features are reliant on exploration and daily cycles. If you see something interesting in the distance (crystal ore, ancient ruins, giant glowing trees), go towards it immediately.
Experience suggests that getting distracted in Genshin Impact is actually a good thing. After all, stockpiling materials and money is essential for leveling up all your favorite characters and weapons.
If you’d like to find the complete checklist with everything that you need to do and pick up in order to get 100% Exploration Progress, you can check out this amazing Exploration Checklist from MapGenie.
We hope you found our article helpful. For more Genshin Impact content, see How to Play Genshin Impact on Mac? and Best Characters to Use Aqua Simulacra in Genshin Impact.
Published: Dec 21, 2023 07:10 am