Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion Zack Fight
Image via Square Enix

Crisis Core Reunion: How to Fight Minerva, the Secret Boss

This Isn't Your Average Boss ...

In Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion, the final boss is not that difficult. It can be defeated rather easily, and then you can be on your way to witness Zack Fair’s ultimate fate. But, there’s a deeper, darker enemy who many fans won’t even know is an optional boss battle. Minerva, also known as the goddess who can be seen in the post-battle cutscene with the final boss.

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If you’ve considered many of the late-game enemies pushovers, Minerva would like a word. She’s not just a damage sponge, but many of her attacks — if successful — result in a one-hit K.O. It’s not immediately obvious how to start fighting Minerva, however. That is, unless you’re a fellow completionist. And that’s because there are some tasks you must take care of before you’ll be deemed a worthy opponent.

How to Fight Minerva in Crisis Core: Reunion

I sure hope you’ve enjoyed clearing the seemingly endless amount of missions. Because the only way to unlock the battle with Minerva is by clearing the ninth block of missions. Minerva awaits at the bottom of the Great Cavern of Wonders, in Mission 9-6-6: The Reigning Deity. She is categorized as a superboss, meaning if you’ve gone through the campaign and wanted for more difficulty … here you go.

How to Defeat Minerva in Crisis Core: Reunion

Minerva possesses a total HP of 10,000,000 in normal difficultly. So, if you anticipate defeating her, expect to spend some time. It probably helps to equip all four pieces of the Genji equipment (Genji Armor, Genji Helm, Genji Shield, and Genji Glove) to start. In so doing, you’ll be able to not only break the damage limit, but also the HP limit. Do your best to craft an HP Up (or equivalent item) that will allow you to get as close as possible to 99,999 HP. Then, equip the Costly Punch materia.

Related: Crisis Core Reunion — How to Get the Mug Materia

If you’re unfamiliar, the Costly Punch materia is more effective the higher your HP. So, with 99,999 HP (or close to that), you’ll inflict 99,999 damage with each successful strike on Minerva. That means you’ll have to hit her with Costly Punch 101 times in order to defeat her. It’s up to you to survive for that long. It might help to equip a Steal or Mug materia, as you can nab 99 Phoenix Downs from Minerva, which can make this battle a bit more bearable. That is, if you’re able to actually use them.

We hope you found this guide to finding and defeating Minerva helpful! Please check out Gamer Journalist on Facebook to find more guides just like this one. You might also find our guides on How to Get Blast Wave in Crisis Core Reunion and How to Beat the Sniper Minigame in Crisis Core Reunion — Final Fantasy 7 helpful!

Image of James Herd
James Herd
James has been playing games for as long as he can remember. His first game was either The Lion King or The Mask for the SNES. He has since grown into the biggest apologist for JRPGs and he wants to be Yoko Taro for Halloween.