Look, we love a good meme. They’re hilarious, they are fun to read when you’re sitting at home, scrolling aimlessly, and they’re a great conversation starter. Genshin Impact is no stranger to funny memes and we’re here to show you some of our favorites. Fans around the world have helped create a beautiful community within Genshin Impact and through the use of Genshin Impact memes, we have found a way to bring laughter. Memes have fandoms, can be an inside joke, or are just poking fun at the characters. Whatever the case may be we’re glad they exist. Here are the best Genshin Impact memes.
Top 15 Best Genshin Impact Memes
Childe Versus Baal

Those that get it, get this Genshin Impact meme. Childe was instantly praised for his charming looks. He has won over plenty of fans and is still a popular character people want to pull. Unfortunately, Childe has a dark path and is a Fatui Harbinger who is trying to destroy Liyue. He wants to rule and become incredibly powerful. Then came along Baal. Self-centered, Baal was praised for her good looks and everyone ignored how cruel she was. Did they mean well?
You’re Not Welcome Here!

As a traveler we come across plenty of great cities. We are either praised or yelled at. Our first town, Mondstadt we were given a warm welcoming. Lisa adored us, thought we were cute, and life was good. Until we started heading towards Liyue and people wanted to arrest us…Next was Inazuma, and, yeah…People don’t seem to like us as much anymore.
Wrong Pull, Bro

Genshin Impact does this a lot. They really have us pulling at our heartstrings when we don’t get the character we want. For instance, in this new banner, plenty of people want to pull Arataki because he’s, well, Arataki. We try and try, but only get characters we don’t want or need. It’s not fair but that is life as a gacha player. This Genshin Impact meme sums it up best.
Happy Birthday! Here’s Some Food!

Stop with the random gifts and food! I mean, thanks for them, because you don’t have to do it, but still. Genshin players want primogems and ores to enhance our weapons. We don’t really want food on characters birthday. With so many characters on the roster it seems we are constantly getting random food items on their birthday. Happy birthday, happy for you, but no, stop it.
No Life Achievement

We…We don’t even know what to say about this one. This Genshin Impact meme is painful. What can you say about this!? Why did you have to add anything after good? Why couldn’t you just say good? With how many hours you put in on Genshin this one hurts, because deep down, we know the answer.
Guitar Hero Professional

Remember that drum rhythm game? Arataki is hosting a festival and you needed to play a drum rhythm game where you play various musical titles to win primogems and other items. This might seem difficult for players who haven’t played rhythm games before, but for a professional guitar hero player? Not a problem.
Guard the Balloon!

We are tired of transporting the balloon. Taking commissions is a chore and it’s an even bigger chore when we are faced with this monstrosity. Genshin players do not want to transport a balloon, how about, you carry the materials and we will fight with our cool characters we worked hard to pull for? Does that sound like a plan? Perfect.
Hangout Endings

Fans can relate to this Genshin Impact meme. Hangouts are fun at the beginning because you have the opportunity to learn more about the character. You’re choosing carefully the correct dialogues to get the perfect ending, but after some time, the hang out sessions can become…boring. Some players are just content with believing the first ending they get is the true ending. IS it though?
Our Favorites were not Our first Choice

That character you wanted to pull? You didn’t get it. Instead, you got a character who you didn’t think would become your favorite. You use them every chance you get it. Any battle, any dungeon. They’re your main and you wouldn’t change them. Whether you’re a Diluc main or a Fischl main you’re happy and that’s all that matters.
How Old Are You?

Surprise, she’s not a child! When Dr. Edith said that Ella Musk was her older sister, fans were shocked. Ella looked like a child and it caused quite a commotion. We later found out that MiHoYo actually did a little hiccup with the dialogue. In the Genshin Impact beta, Ella was an adult, and when the game came out they forgot to change the dialogue. Whoops!
We Appreciate You

There’s nothing like getting a happy birthday message from your characters. It makes us happy knowing they care for us. Some players aren’t into birthdays as much and celebrating with family doesn’t sound fun. Even if we know the game was just programmed that way to wish us a happy birthday it still feels nice.
Hail Primogems!

The gem that grants us access to our favorite characters. It’s the holy symbol of status in the game. If you have plenty of primogems you’re a God. It’s even better when you only use a few primogems and still manage to luckily get the characters you were pulling for. With this picture, we wish you good luck on your quest to pull the best of the best.
Burn, Baby, Burn

Do you like seeing your Primogems turn to dust after you’ve used them? They’re literally coal just being tossed into the fire. You’re burning all your money away trying to unlock a five star character or the character of your choice. Shinobu doesn’t mind. She wants you to keep throwing your primogems away so one day she can join your party.
Arataki, Our Stupid Leader

This was probably one of the funniest cutscenes in the Arataki Festival event. In order to use the drum in the rhythm game, Arataki gives a bit of backstory claiming it’s rare. As he continues with his story we learn that he pays a huge price, making his subordinates pay for it as well, and eventually, we’re just sitting there like… Why did you pay money for this obvious scam, Arataki? It was a Genshin Impact meme moment.
I mean…It’s Arataki

Other Genshin Impact characters have described Kuki Shinobi as brilliant and before she joined the gang she was studying to become a lawyer. She could have joined the Tenryou Commission, but joining a fun-loving group of misfits sounds way more interesting. Also, Arataki is well….hot. Where do we sign up for the Arataki Gang?
Related: Genshin Impact Codes (June 2022)
Published: Jul 26, 2022 12:36 pm