How to Get Coins in Pokémon GO 2021

How to Get Coins in Pokémon GO 2021

I imagine whoever invented the concept of premium currencies in mobile games is now a very wealthy person, though I also imagine that a lot of people would be interested in punching that person’s teeth out. As annoying as premium currencies are, they are an unfortunate necessity in many mobile games. You wanna take the trip, you gotta pay the ferryman. On that subject, here’s how to get coins in Pokémon GO in 2021.

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PokéCoins, or just “coins,” are Pokémon GO’s primary premium currency. Using coins, you can buy all sorts of handy items from the in-game store, including lure modules, incense, PokéBalls, eggs, and cosmetic items for your player avatar. There is a way you can get some coins for free, but of course, the quickest and easiest way to get them is by coughing up real cash for them.

How to Get Coins in Pokémon GO

Pokémon GO Coins can be purchased in-app in bundles for the following price tags:

  • 100 coins – $0.99
  • 550 coins – $4.99
  • 1,200 coins – $9.99
  • 2,500 coins – $19.99
  • 5,200 coins – $39.99
  • 14,500 coins – $99.99

So I guess if you’re an extremely wealthy person with a lot of time on your hands, you won’t have any problem getting all the coins you could ever want.

For us normal folks, there’s precisely one way to obtain coins for free: holding down Gyms. When you take down an opposing team’s Gym, your team will take control of it, at which point you can install a Pokémon from your own roster to stand guard over it. As long as your Pokémon is holding down that Gym, you’ll passively earn coins on a daily basis. You’ll earn one coin for every ten minutes your Pokémon is in control of a Gym, and you can also hold down multiple Gyms at once to generate more coins, though there is a hard cap of 50 free coins a day, so don’t bother trying to control more than a few Gyms at once. 

Whenever your Pokémon is knocked off its perch, it’ll return to you with however many coins it managed to generate. If you want the most coins possible, leave your biggest, strongest Pokémon at the gym. It probably won’t stay on top forever, but every minute it does means more coins for you.

Image of Daniel Trock
Daniel Trock
Since the first time he picked up a controller as a child, Daniel has been a dyed-in-the-wool gaming fanatic, with a Steam library numbering over 600 games. His favorite pastime, aside from playing games, is doing deep dives on game wikis to learn more about their lore and characters.