Image via Clock Wizard Games

How to Survive Abandoned House in Demonologist – Map Guide

Who turned out the lights?

The darkness waits for no one, will you be the someone brave enough to venture in? Unlike the many Content Creators going out of their way to fake their hauntings inside abandoned buildings, the hauntings within Demonologist will give you more thrills and shrills than that of any YouTube video. For this reason, players will need to know what best to take into each round, how to easily detect entities and their typings and how to remain safe within Demonologist. This guide will show this and more for those just getting started in this Co-op Horror Game, whether you are playing solo or with your friends, gaining as much knowledge as you can before you enter the game can help you survive for longer than going in blind. So let us get into how to beat and survive the first Map, Abandoned House in Demonologist.

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Abandoned House Map Overview

For those just getting started in this game, we will run down everything you need to know about the first Map, Abandoned House in Demonologist. This introduction to the game can be a claustrophobic one, with narrow passageways and limited lighting. But after a few playthroughs, you should adjust to the setting of the Abandoned House. Players should first note the layout of the House, having 3 floors total: the ground floor, first floor and basement. The majority of your hunting will be completed on the ground floor, where then searching for other evidence such as Plasma splatters and fingerprints may be obtained in the first floor and the basement predominately being used to exorcise the spirits.

Upon entering the House you should initially make it your goal to turn all of the lights on, unlike other Maps that we will get into another time such as Hospital, players will be able to light the House up in its entirety which will massively help your sanity. Be aware however that you will not be able to turn all of the lights on, so be strategic in what switches you use as other bulbs will break if you light 2-3 rooms at once.

In your first playthrough of Demonologist, you should focus on walking around the House searching for any paranormal activity. This can look like objects moving, things turning on and off such as lights or fire in the fireplace. This will be the main room of the hauntings and act as the Entity Room. As you gain money to purchase other Tools, you should buy the items that will provide you will the most use being a solo or team-player.

What Tools to Take

In your initial search for the Entity Room, you should use both the Spirit Box and the EMF Reader. These are the best Tools to use at the beginning of the game as you will be able to both find the room with the most amount of paranormal activity whilst also ticking off many entity types on your list by recording evidence shown/not shown by the Box. You should always use your Mic in this game as it can help massively in determining multiple variables. The Spirit Box lets you communicate with the entity who will respond back if it is within the right typing. Whilst you can also determine if a room is freezing by talking through the Mic and if you see your breath you too know that you have found the Entity Room.

Keep in mind that when using the EMF Reader, you also need to look out for an EMF Reading of 5, this is crucial to gathering evidence towards the entity type. You should be pointing the Tool at objects and not in a general location as you may never get a reading of EMF 5.

So far then, you should have a Flashlight, EMF Reader and the Spirit Box with you, these will all help you find the Entity Room and cross off a load of entities from the Evidence List. Next, using the ESG Device, you can place this into the Entity Room and if the entity makes its appearance, catching a static visual of the entity can massively help you in determining what type you are dealing with. Of course, the more you play this game, the more you will remember what each type looks like. The ESG therefore, is a Tool that in the first few playthroughs may seem like other Tools are more important but, through its regular use you can build a visual portfolio of the entity types, making it easier for you to identity them in future rounds.

The last Tool we highly recommend for those just getting started in Demonologist is the Ectoplasma Glass. This can be interacted with through clicking with the left-mouse button and peering through its lens to spot any Plasma splatters that will be seen on the walls. This is one of the best Tools to use for evidence in the game and is also crucial to holding onto for Abandoned House as it is used for one of the Optional Objectives. For those wondering, Optional Objectives are important to complete as they allow players to exorcise the entity. These are unique to each Map however, so after levelling up to access Cyclone St, players should not bring in the typical equipment used for these Objectives as they will be different. But in the case of Abandoned House, the Optional Objectives are always the same.

How to Beat Abandoned House

As soon as you enter the House, whether you have the Tools listed above or not, players should sweep through the House interior, searching all floors for any signs of ‘life’. You should not take too long doing so as we want to keep your sanity to around 95%. You can check this whenever you want back at the HQ, just outside of the House and we recommend it so your character is getting a break from all the hauntings. If there are no signs of paranormal activity through your search use the Spirit Box to try and communicate. This will allow you to remove around half of the entities on the list if the entity talks back to you. The EMF Reader will then locate the Entity Room where you can get the majority of your research done.

With the Entity Room located, use Tools such as the ESG Device and Ectoplasma Glass (this can be used anywhere, not just within the Entity Room). As you gain more money through multiple playthroughs, using the UV Light and Easel Canvas will help you close in further on your entity type. Remember that you should never spend prolonged periods of time inside the House, especially the Entity Room as your sanity will naturally deplete. If you are working in a team, divide the members up, based on Tools and conserving sanity. Have members stay at HQ to observe any evidence found on the ESG or Easel via the Tripod Camera and players should also carry items such as Candles (crucial for exorcisms and sanity), Crucifix and Sanity Pills (if you are spending too long identifying the entity).

When the entity has been confirmed, head into the Evidence List and select the entity type you think you are dealing with. You will need all members of your party to do so before you can continue. Check that your sanity is not too low after this, anything below 20% should be a sign to leave and see if your guess was correct. If your sanity is good enough to head back inside, you can begin the Optional Objectives. You need to:

  • The Ghost must blow out a Candle.
  • Take a full-body Photo of the Ghost using the Camera.
  • Use the Ectoplasma Glass to find the sitting body silhouette in the House.

These can be done in any order and by completing all three of them, you not only earn more money but will also unlock the ability to exorcise the entity. Of course, to hit these Objectives you will need a Candle, Photo Camera and the Ectoplasma Glass. You should use the Candle in the Entity Room, the Photo Camera on any chairs located in the House and the Ecto Glass on the walls, in hallways first on ground and first floor and then inside any rooms. Once these have been hit, you need to find the 5 Fingers to execute the exorcism. If you are with a team, have someone regularly check everyone’s sanity percentage. You should not however, be committing a long period of time in hitting these Objectives as it could easily result in a Hunt.

When the Objectives are done, locate the 5 Fingers that will have spawned in now. Feel free to look at our full guide here for where to find the Fingers in Demonologist. By finding the Fingers, bring them into the Basement and plant them into the stands for the exorcism to begin.

How to Survive the Abandoned House

If your sanity at any point drops to zero a Hunt will begin. This is when the entity attacks you and if they succeed, you will die and lose your bought equipment. This results in a loss of items, money and therefore you would have to start as if you just began Demonologist for the first time. For that reason, dying is a last resort. Whether you are trying to scare your friends and get them killed, messing around with the entity is never a good idea. For that reason, we do not recommend using items such as Tarot Cards, as these can easily change the game for the worst. If you find that in your playthrough your sanity depletes faster than others, be sure to take in Tools: Crucifix, Sanity Pills and Candles. Whilst you do not need all three, these will protect you/ keep your sanity in check.

You need to avoid standing in the dark for long periods of time, and take breaks away from the Entity Room so that you are not losing any sanity by being around the hostile presence for too long. If a Hunt begins, having a Crucifix on you will save your life. The Flashlight does not do well in preserving your sanity, so using a Candle will help here and is also useful to have on for the Optional Objectives. The HQ does not boost your sanity, nor acts as a form of sanity conservation but it can help put a temporary stop towards losing unnecessary sanity if you are trying to get evidence from the ESG Device or getting the Ghost to blow out the Candle. You can place down a Tripod Camera on any Tools you are using that are on the floor to watch for evidence back at the Campsite.

Divide your team into holding different Tools so that you are not all rocking the same equipment when you could have everything with you for every match, from the essential Ghost Hunting equipment and Optional Objective Tools to the safety promised by the Candles and Crucifix.

Our final note is for those trying to survive Abandoned House in Demonologist. We do not recommend players to use Tools such as the Ouija Board and the Tarot Cards as these greatly increase the chances of a Hunt ensuing. You would do best to avoid these for as long as possible as you build up your coin and level up to unlock other Maps in Demonologist.

That was our full guide on how to survive Abandoned House in Demonologist. Looking for more guides on this Ghost Hunting Horror Game? We have a lot more available and many more to come at Gamer Journalist if you are interested in reading more from us. As always, thanks so much for reading our guides!

Image of Hadley Vincent
Hadley Vincent
Hadley is a Freelance Writer for Gamer Journalist. They have been with the company since October 2022. With a BSc Honors in Psychology, Hadley focuses their creativity and passion for Video Games by primarily covering Horror, FPS, and anything with a great narrative. You will often find Hadley covering the latest indie horror games or deploying into Call of Duty's DMZ. They love a good story and one that can keep them up at night, be that for its scares or its lore.