Shadow Dio is one of the most sought-after Stands in A Universal Time (AUT). It is very strong, and not all that difficult to get. If you end up getting Shadow Dio from a basic arrow, you can refer to our guide below. Here’s how to get The World in A Universal Time (AUT).
How to get The World in A Universal Time
To get The World in AUT, follow these steps:
- Obtain the Shadow Dio Stand
- Speak with Him in the forest
- Complete the Shadow’s Demands quest
- Drink the Blood of Joseph
To get Shadow Dio, you will need to get a bunch of Arrows. You have a chance to get Shadow Dio from any normal Arrow that comes from the meteors in the mountains. Another option is getting Arrows from chests.
Next, head to the forest and look for a black orb. The orb is actually an NPC known as Him, and he will show up randomly somewhere in the forest next to a tree. Speak with Him in the forest, and you will obtain the Shadow’s Demands. Make sure to press “Alright” when the dialog option pops up. He will tell you that you have a unique ability that has yet to reach its potential. You must turn to the path of Shadows to attain greater heights.

The Shadow’s Demands quest requires you to complete the following objectives:
- Time Stop: 5
- Drain Blood: 2500
- Take Damage: 17,500
- Inflict Damage: 15,000
To Time Stop with Shadow Dio, you’ll need to press “F” on your keyboard. It has a long cooldown but you only need to do it five times. The toughest part of this quest is to take 17,500 damage because that equates to about 40 deaths. It helps if you have some friends that are willing to assist you in this. Finally, to drain blood and deal damage, you can press the “Y” key to do the Blood Suck ability. As an added tip, you drain more blood if you are damaged.
After you finish all the quest objectives, you will receive an item called Blood of Joseph. Press the key in which the Blood of Joseph is on, and then drink it to get The World. After drinking the Blood of Joseph, you will be able to press Q to summon The World.
The World Controls in AUT
Here are The World’s controls in AUT:
- T – Joseph Knife
- F – Knives Counter
- B – Blood Suck
- V – Teleport
- Y – Stop Sign
Joseph Knife does damage and slows the enemy. Blood Suck heals you for around 60 HP on each usage. The Stop Sign move does 25 damage and is a good finishing move for your combos.
- M1 – Normal attacks
- E – Barrage
- Y – Road Roller
- G – Debris Slam
- B – Blood Suck
- V – Teleport
- T – Dagger Throw
- R – Donut
A good way to use The World is by doing a couple of normal attacks and following it up with a barrage. You can then combo into a Road Roller or a few more normal attacks. Make sure to use Dagger Throw to deal damage from range. If things take a turn for the worse, just use Time Stop to fix the problem! He is a very versatile character for PvP.
Check our A Universal Time section for more guides, walkthroughs, and helpful content!
Published: Sep 5, 2021 01:13 am