Travelers! Paimon has something really important to tell you! Hey! Are you even listening to me!? You know you’re really starting to bug me. Okay, here’s the story with Shouki no Kami, the Prodigal. He’s a tough one and you’re going to want to find some friends to help defeat him. Enough complaining and let’s discuss everything about Shouki no Kami, the Prodigal. Genshin Impact has released a new weekly boss that you can fight both in co-op mode and single player. We’re going to teach you how to defeat him. Take notes and learn with us on how to defeat Shouki no Kami, the Prodigal in Genshin Impact!
Shouki no Kami, the Prodigal in Genshin Impact
Your team is going to want to be tough if you want to take down Shouki no Kami, the Prodigal. You’re going to want to set up a team that consists of Cryo, Dendro, Pyro (and maybe throw in Zhongli if you have him). Using these preferred elements will help you during phase 2 that involves a giant ball of energy. We will get to that later. First things first, set up your team, and head to Chinvat Ravine on the right of Sumeru City.
Stage 1: Shouki no Kami, the Prodigal in Genshin Impact
You have a great team that you’ve picked and you’re now head-to-head with Shouki no Kami, the Prodigal. He’s staring at you with death in his eyes and all you can think of is taking him on at full force. What you need to know is the first attack that he does is cause a large AoE attack consisting of various elements. While he’s doing that you will see elemental blocks; these are important in order to charge the Neo Akasha terminal. Once the terminal is charged you should head towards the icons on the ground called the elemental matrices. Activate them by pressing a button designed to look like a Dendro icon. If you do this correctly you’ll be ready for the next stage.
Stage 2: Shouki no Kami, the Prodigal in Genshin Impact
Hey traveler! What’s that thing surrounding Shouki no Kami? Looks like some sort of shield. Don’t worry about it. This just means his resistance is up and as the battle continues he’ll start to attack. This is when you’ll see even more energy blocks dropping from the heavens. Do the same mechanics as mentioned in stage 1 where you’ll need to charge the Neo Akasha terminal. You’re going to want to do this if you want that pesky shield gone. Once that shield is gone get ready for an attack! He’s going to charge his energy, but as he’s doing that, you’ll start to notice Setsuna Shoumetsu and Nirvana Engine approaching. Try to use elemental reactions to destroy Nirvana Engine that will create more blocks to charge the terminal. This should do the trick if you want to halt Shouki no Kami advances.
That’s it traveler you’ve done it! Just keep following the mechanics and you’ll destroy Shouki no Kami in no time. Mechanics can be tricky however when you’ve figured out the puzzle it’s easy to take down bosses that rely heavily on them.
That’s all you need to know about Shouki no Kami, the Prodigal on Genshin Impact! We’re covering everything Genshin Impact so be sure to check for updates on Gamer Journalist for upcoming Genshin Impact news. We post daily news and guides on upcoming and new games.
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Published: Nov 3, 2022 7:43 PM UTC