Fortnite Season 3 XP Coin Locations For Every Week

This article is over 4 years old and may contain outdated information

Trying to find all of the Fortnite Season 3 XP Coin Locations? These coins are a great way to quickly boost your level so you can climb through the Battle Pass tiers. There are many coins all around the map, and they are in a new location every week. There are also two different types of coins you can find. Green coins are the common rarity coins, which grant 5,000 XP per coin. Purple coins are rarer and give 10,300 XP per coin.

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There are new coins every week, including a variation of purples, greens, blues, and golds. All you need to do to collect the XP coins is walk into them. Before collecting the purple XP coins, you should box the area in because it bursts into smaller coins that disappear after a short amount of time. After collecting the XP coin, it will no longer be available in that area for the week. The XP coins will reset in new locations when the week is over.

XP Coin Locations – Week 8

For Fortnite Season 3 Week 8, you can find 10 Gold Coins, 5 Blue Coins, 2 Purple Coins, and 4 Green Coins. Refer to the map below for each location.

Fortnite XP Coins Locations Season 3 Week 8

XP Coin Locations – Week 7

There are 4 Green Coins, 2 Purple Coins, and 5 Blue Coins for Week 7 of the Fortnite XP Coin collection event.

Fortnite Season 3 Week 7 XP Coin Locations

XP Coin Locations – Week 6

For week six, there are 3 Golden Coins, 2 Green Coins, 1 Purple Coin, and 5 Blue Coins. Here are the locations:

Fortnite Week 6 XP Coin Locations

XP Coin Locations – Week 5

Week five consists of 5 Blue, 4 Green, and 2 Purple XP Coins. Here are the locations:

XP Coin Locations Season 3 Week 5

XP Coin Locations – Week 4

These are the XP Coin locations for Week 4, consisting of 2 Purples, 6 Blues, and 4 Greens.

XP Coin Locations – Week 3

These are the XP coin locations for Week 3. You will notice there are also blue coins available this week worth 6500 XP.

Fortnite XP Coin Locations - Week 3

XP Coin Locations – Week 2

Here are the twelve XP coin locations for Week 2. Some coins are difficult to find places, so check the caption next to them for a better explanation.

Fortnite Season 3 XP Coin Locations Week 2

XP Coin Locations – Week 1

Here are all of the XP coin locations for week 1. Remember, purple coins are rare and will burst into smaller coins that you need to pick up before they disappear. After collecting the coins, they will no longer appear on the map. There are a total of twelve coins around the Fortnite map for week 1. Check their locations on the image below.

Fortnite Season 3 XP Coin Locations Week 1

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Image of Frank Greenberg
Frank Greenberg
Frank is a real variety gamer. He enjoys battle royales, even though they are getting stale. Some of his favorite titles are Fortnite, Destiny 2, and Call of Duty.