This Destiny 2 Horror Story god roll is a little bit underwhelming. Compared to some of the returning Festival of the Lost weapons, it’s just not all that. It’s an old weapon that could have done with a new perk pool, but evidently, Bungie disagreed. Despite that, there’s still one particular Horror Story PvE god roll that you should be on the lookout for during Festival of the Lost.
I’m going to break this Horror Story god roll down and explain why I’ve chosen each perk. I’ll also offer up a PvP alternative for you Crucible-inclined Guardians out there. Be warned, though, this isn’t going to carry you to the Lighthouse any time soon.
Destiny 2 Horror Story God Roll Guide
- Cleanshot IS
- Accurized Rounds
- Subsistence
- Demolitionist
Out of all the weapons returning to Destiny 2 during Festival of the Lost 2022, this is the most disappointing. It’s got no new perks and no intrinsic perk. Compared to the renewed Jurassic Green, Horror Story, well, sucks.
All the same, there’s still one god roll I think you should look out for, and it’s this one. First and foremost, we’re running a combination of Cleanshot IS and Accurized Rounds purely for all that extra range. Auto rifles struggle with dealing damage at distance at the best of times, so pushing this weapon’s range up into that 80+ range is going to help massively.
After that, I’m opting for a combination of Subsistence and Demolitionist. Horror Story’s age really shows in this god roll – it’s lacking a lot of the newer perks that make certain god rolls so strong. Despite that, this perk combination still kicks ass. Subsistence is going to keep you firing for longer by returning bullets to your mag on kill, and Demolitionist will give you 10% of your grenade energy for every kill.
With this Horror Story god roll, every kill will refund you bullets and 10% of your grenade. If you hit your shots, you’ll be able to regen your grenade every single reload. That’s nothing compared to the Incandescent and Volt Shot weapons we have these days, but it’s still strong utility that you would be a fool to ignore. Especially if you’re a fan of the grenade builds that have been so popular with Arc 3.0.
If you’re a PvP player, I would recommend swapping Subsistence and Demolitionist out for Outlaw and Moving Target – although you would have to be brave to take this thing into the Crucible. That’s not to say it doesn’t work in PvP, but it hasn’t got a typical PvP “god roll” as you’d see on other META weapons.
Related: Destiny 2 Mechabre God Roll Guide (2022)
Published: Oct 21, 2022 10:36 PM UTC