When is Sylveon Coming to Pokémon GO?

When is Sylveon Coming to Pokémon GO?

It’s always kind of off-putting when Pokémon have what look like articles of clothing on their bodies. Take Sylveon for example; those flowy ribbons and bows? Yeah, those are part of its body. They’re actually prehensile feelers that they wrap around people they like. Cute, but also kind of disturbing. If it doesn’t bother you, then here’s when Sylveon is coming to Pokémon GO.

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The currently-running Luminous Legends Y event focuses primarily on Dark types like its mascot, Yveltal, but only for the first part of the event. The second part of the event will focus more heavily on Fairy type Pokémon, though if there’s a thematic reason for that, I don’t know it. Regardless, to celebrate the outpouring of Fairy types, Eevee’s last evolution, Sylveon, is finally being added to Pokémon GO.

When is Sylveon Coming to Pokémon GO?

When the second part of Luminous Legends Y begins on Tuesday, May 25th, players will be able to evolve an Eevee into a Sylveon by making it their buddy and walking around and doing stuff with it until it gets hearts. Remember, you can get hearts by feeding your buddy, playing with it in AR mode, spinning PokéStops, battling in gyms, and other bonding activities. You can also guarantee an Eevee will evolve into a Sylveon one time by nicknaming it Kira, though just like the other nickname evolutions, that’ll only work on a single Eevee. All subsequent Eevee-to-Sylveon evolutions can only be done through the first method, and in either case, you’ll also need a donation of Eevee candy.

No word yet if Sylveon’s shiny variation will be added alongside its primary debut. There’s usually a wait between an initial addition and a shiny addition, but since Sylveon’s getting so much attention here, it would be thematically appropriate.

Image of Daniel Trock
Daniel Trock
Since the first time he picked up a controller as a child, Daniel has been a dyed-in-the-wool gaming fanatic, with a Steam library numbering over 600 games. His favorite pastime, aside from playing games, is doing deep dives on game wikis to learn more about their lore and characters.