So, is Gallade or Gardevoir better in Pokémon GO?

Is Gallade or Gardevoir Better in Pokémon GO?

When you have two visually distinct evolutionary paths for a Pokémon, it’s basically inevitable that people are going to draw comparisons between them. I don’t think the Eevee evolution debate will ever reach a satisfying conclusion, for example. One instance of this is the debate between Gallade and Gardevoir. So, is Gallade or Gardevoir better in Pokémon GO?

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For round one of our comparison, let’s talk about stats. Right out the gate, it’s a tie; Gallade and Gardevoir have identical base stats. Specifically, they’ve got 237 Attack, 195 Defense, and 169 Stamina. Good attack/defense mix, if a bit on the slow side, but that’s not what we’re talking about right now. 

Is Gallade or Gardevoir Better in Pokémon GO?

Next, let’s talk about resistances. Despite being part of the same evolutionary line, Gallade and Gardevoir are not exactly the same type. Gardevoir is a Psychic/Fairy type, while Gallade is a Psychic/Fighting-type. This means their resistances break down like this:


  • Resistant to: Psychic
  • Super-resistant to: Fighting, Dragon
  • Weak against: Poison, Ghost, Steel


  • Resistant to: Fighting, Rock
  • Weak against: Fairy, Flying, Ghost

As Gardevoir has more resistances, and two of them are double-resistances, this category goes to Gardevoir.

Finally, let’s go over the kits. Surprisingly, there’s only a little bit of overlap between Gallade and Gardevoir’s movelists. Here’s what they’ve got cooking:


Quick Moves

  • Confusion (Psychic)
  • Charge Beam (Electric)
  • Charm (Fairy)

Main Moves

  • Shadow Ball (Ghost)
  • Dazzling Gleam (Fairy)
  • Psychic (Psychic)


Quick Moves

  • Low Kick (Fighting)
  • Confusion (Psychic)
  • Charm (Fairy)

Main Moves

  • Psychic (Psychic)
  • Leaf Blade (Grass)
  • Close Combat (Fighting)

As far as type coverage goes, both Pokémon have access to at least four different types of moves. However, there is one difference: moveset construction. Gardevoir’s best defensive combo of Confusion and Dazzling Gleam has lower DPS than Gallade’s best defensive combo 

Image of Daniel Trock
Daniel Trock
Since the first time he picked up a controller as a child, Daniel has been a dyed-in-the-wool gaming fanatic, with a Steam library numbering over 600 games. His favorite pastime, aside from playing games, is doing deep dives on game wikis to learn more about their lore and characters.