Pokémon Scarlet and Violet‘s glitches and bugs aren’t the only issues that fans have with these games; some of the new Pokémon introduced in Gen 9 are criminally bad, and even the most hardcore Scarlet and Violet fans will have a hard time defending these disgraces. Keep reading (if you dare) to get a look at the worst, most lazy Pokémon designs in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.
Top 12 Laziest (Worst) Pokémon Designs in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet

This Pokémon is just a legit worm. As hilarious as this Pokémon design is, it’s definitely not very impressive; Orthworm looks like something that was drawn in under five minutes and named in even less time than that.
It looks like they tried to make the design unique at the last second by adding arms, but not only are they useless in battle, they look like those wacky waving inflatable tube men that you see outside of car dealerships.

Toedscool is just a more unsettling version of Tentacool. I can’t decide whether I find Toedscool terrifying or hilarious, but either way, its design is literally impossible to take seriously. It looks like the physical representation of a disease.
I know that it’s supposed to be a mushroom with legs or whatever, but to me, it looks like the product of a child trying to recreate its sleep paralysis demon out of play dough.

I think I actually screamed when this first appeared on my screen. This creature singlehandedly turned Pokémon Scarlet and Violet into a horror game; I live in constant fear of running into one of these in the wild.
Looking at this Pokémon gives me the weirdest “uncanny valley” vibes I’ve ever felt. Spidops looks like that one creepy uncle that’s not allowed to come to Thanksgiving anymore.

This is literally just a Flamingo. No offense to Flamigo, but this Pokémon is so devoid of any and all creativity that it’s almost embarrassing; they didn’t even try to give it a unique name to hide the fact that it’s literally just a Flamingo either, they just took the “n” out and called it a day.
I’m sure Flamigo is a great Pokémon and all, but its design looks like something that even my grandma wouldn’t put on her front lawn.

This Pokémon is just an insult to Chatot. I know that it’s just a parrot with a bad perm, but Squawkabilly always sort of looks like it’s got a smug look on its face, and I kind of hate it.
No offense to all of the two-and-a-half Squawkabilly fans out there, but this design isn’t just lazy, it’s plain bad.

This one is just a weird ostrich. I’m not sure what Pokémon Scarlet and Violet’s obsession is with putting hair on birds, but they’ve just gone too far with this one.
Frankly, I’m uncomfortable with the fact that this made-up bird has better hair and fashion sense than I do; Espathra looks like what Lady Gaga would look like if she was an ostrich (no offense to Lady Gaga).

I don’t even know what this thing is supposed to resemble. Shroodle’s Pokédex entry describes it as a “toxic mouse Pokémon”, and while I would agree that it is toxic to look at, it is the furthest thing from a mouse that I’ve ever seen.
Shroodle looks more like an alien than the Pokémon that canonically came from outer space do (like Cleffa). This doesn’t even look like a Pokémon, this looks like a cry for help.

Honestly, this one wouldn’t be so bad if it wasn’t so terrifying and uncomfy to look at.
A new addition to the Mankey evolution line was long overdue, and Annihilape is an amazing Pokémon, but it just looks like a rogue Primeape that crawled out of the sewers of Silent Hill (and not in a good way). I just want to know why it looks like it has Yugioh hair.
Iron Treads

Many Pokémon fans agree that Pokémon Scarlet has better Paradox Pokémon than Pokémon Violet, and Iron Treads is just proof of that.
Iron Treads is a wickedly strong Pokémon that doesn’t disappoint in battle, but it looks like a giant, disappointing roly-poly and I just can’t get over that fact. Great Tusk is way better than Iron Treads; anyone who tries to argue this fact is just jealous of Pokémon Scarlet’s wicked-looking Paradox Pokémon.

Wiglett is just the worse version of Diglett that no one asked for. They made a skinny, albino version of Diglett, and then had the audacity to market it as a brand-new Pokémon that supposedly has no relation to Diglett whatsoever.
If you love unnecessarily weak, slimy, and phallic Pokémon, then Wiglett should be your first choice when assembling your team in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.

These are literally just mice. There is literally “mouse” in the name. Whoever worked on this Pokémon must’ve worked on Orthworm and Flamigo too, because the only creative thing about this Pokémon is the impressively dedicated lack of effort that went into making it.
Also, they give me weird “the twins from the shining” vibes, and I don’t know why.
Sandy Shocks

Now I may not be a religious woman, but even I know that this thing is a Godless abomination. I haven’t met a single person who approves of this garbage. What even is this. This is the only Paradox Pokémon in Pokémon Scarlet that I can’t approve of and anyone who genuinely likes this Pokémon’s design is a psychopath.
I know that the black tufts on its head and limbs are actually just iron filings, but to me, it looks like a giant hairy robot and I’m scared of it. It’s no wonder why it went extinct, it looks like it knows that it shouldn’t exist.
Related: Pokemon Violet Fans Mock Scarlet Buyers: Thank Them for Their Sacrifice
Pokémon Scarlet and Violet may have some ugly-looking Pokémon, but they are still pretty good games overall. Despite all the glitches and the subpar storyline, Pokémon Scarlet and Violet are decent games that, honestly, get an unfair amount of hate. If you genuinely enjoy playing Pokémon Scarlet and Violet and would love to learn more about them, check out Gamer Journalist’s Pokémon Scarlet and Violet guides!
Published: Dec 10, 2022 10:34 pm