The last and final update is finally out for Terraria. Journey’s End introduces a ton of new changes to the game, including over 800 new craftable items, new bosses, new enemies, and lots of brand new content to explore. In this guide, we’ll take a look at the best Terraria Journey’s End Seeds.
Worlds in Terraria are generated based on seeds, which are basically random strings of numbers or letters. Every world is completely unique, but each world is tied to a specific seed. This means players can share their seeds with over players to generate identical worlds.
Terraria Journey’s End Seeds
- Drunk World
- Not the Bees
- For the Worth
- Lava Charm
To use these seeds, all you need to do is enter them on the New World selection screen in the “Seed” field. You can do this in any mode in Single Player or Multiplayer Host & Play.
Easter Egg Seed 1 – Drunk World
- Seed: 05162020
Using this seed that was originally seen in a Tweet by Andrew Spinks back in April will get you what players are calling ‘Drunk World‘. We won’t spoil it too much for you, but you can expect Party Girl to spawn at the start instead of the Guide. You will also notice some different music playing, which can be changed via the Party Girl.

Easter Egg Seed 2 – Not the Bees!
- Seed: not the bees
This is another Easter Egg seed in Terraria Journey’s End. Entering this seed generates a honey-theme world for you to explore. We won’t spoil it for you too much, but if you want some more information you can check out our overview of Terraria Not The Bees.

Easter Egg Seed 3 – For The Worthy
- Seed: for the worthy
The third and final Easter Egg seed is called “for the worthy,” and it’s a challenge. In this seed, the world’s difficulty is naturally higher in all aspects. Upon starting, you will find the Demolitionist instead of the guide. It is also an explosive world, so be careful.
Various bodies of water are now lava, and pots drop lit bombs that will explode. Enemy health and boss health twice as much, and enemies have increased damage.

Lava Charm Seed
- Seed: 9707566484
- Locations
- Lava Charm: 7841 West; 2148 Caverns
- Ice Skates: 3600 West, 256 Underground
This seed is for brave players who are in search of Lava Charms. As you can see in the name, the Lava Charm can be found at coordinates 7841 West; 2148 Caverns. Beware of the Dead Man’s Chest above the lava charm chest. If you don’t have a compass, you’ll want to dig straight down from the location in the image below to find your lava charm.Â

That’s all the exciting Terraria Journey’s End seeds we have for now. We’ll keep this up-to-date when we come across new seeds that we think can benefit the community. Feel free to reach out to us if you have any seeds you want to share.
Published: May 19, 2020 07:37 pm