Resident Evil Village Mercenaries Rewards

Resident Evil Village Mercenaries Rewards

When you’ve finished your spooky adventure through the nonspecific European countryside in Resident Evil Village, it’s nice to unwind in a bonus mode like The Mercenaries. No wacky plot intrigue, no sadness, no grievous bodily harm- well, less grievous bodily harm, anyway. Just you, your trusty guns, and a whole lot of things with an attraction to not living, and there are plenty of incentives to do well in providing that desire. When you complete a stage in The Mercenaries in Resident Evil Village, you’re given a score, rank, and rewards based on a few factors of performance.

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  • Score: Killing enemies increases your score. You’ll also get additional points for any leftover Lei you have at the end of the stage, whether it be dropped from enemies or from stuff sold to the Duke.
  • Combo: If you dispatch enemies in rapid succession without waiting too long in between kills or taking damage yourself, your combo meter rises, putting a multiplier on your score.
  • Time: More leftover time at the end of a round will add an additional bonus multiplier to your score. This is why you should always break the yellow power ups to receive time bonuses, and not faff about on the maps too long.

Resident Evil Village Mercenaries Rewards

Depending on your score, you receive a rank from C to SSS. Different ranks yield different rewards, mostly for The Mercenaries itself, but in the case of the latter maps, you can also unlock something cool for the main game. Here are the Resident Evil Village Mercenaries rewards:

Stage 1: The Village

  • Rank B: 5,000 Lei
  • Rank A: Unlock The Castle
  • Rank S: Unlock Magic Magazine ability
  • Rank SS/SSS: Required for unlocking the LZ Answerer weapon

Stage 2: The Castle

  • Rank B: 5,000 Lei
  • Rank A: Unlock The Factory
  • Rank S: Unlock Execution ability
  • Rank SS/SSS: Required for unlocking the LZ Answerer weapon

Stage 3: The Factory

  • Rank B: 5,000 Lei
  • Rank A: Unlock The Mad Village
  • Rank S: Unlock Lightning Speed ability
  • Rank SS/SSS: Required for unlocking the LZ Answerer weapon

Stage 4: The Mad Village

  • Rank B: 5,000 Lei
  • Rank A: Unlock The Village (II)
  • Rank S: Unlock Masamune ability
  • Rank SS/SSS: Required for unlocking the LZ Answerer weapon

Stage 5: The Village (II)

  • Rank B: Unlock The Castle (II)
  • Rank SS/SSS: Required for unlocking the LZ Answerer weapon

Stage 6: The Castle (II)

  • Rank B: Unlock The Factory (II)
  • Rank SS/SSS: Required for unlocking the LZ Answerer weapon

Stage 7: The Factory (II)

  • Rank B: Unlock The Mad Village (II)
  • Rank SS/SSS: Required for unlocking the LZ Answerer weapon

Stage 8: The Mad Village (II)

  • Rank SS/SSS: Required for unlocking the LZ Answerer weapon

Once you get at least SS on all stages, you’ll be able to unlock the LZ Answerer in the main game in the Extra Content Shop for 70,000 CP. 

Image of Daniel Trock
Daniel Trock
Since the first time he picked up a controller as a child, Daniel has been a dyed-in-the-wool gaming fanatic, with a Steam library numbering over 600 games. His favorite pastime, aside from playing games, is doing deep dives on game wikis to learn more about their lore and characters.