Phasmophobia is a terrifying paranormal horror game that was created for anyone but the faint of heart. This game allows you and up to 3 other players to hunt down over 20 different types of repulsively horrifying ghosts! Ghost hunting surprisingly doesn’t pay too well, however, and you’ll need to visit some truly nauseatingly horrific locations if you ever want to break even. The only thing worse than risking your life is not getting paid to do it!
If you’ve ever fiddled around with your game’s settings, you’ve probably come to the realization that you can make way more money using custom settings than trying to beat the game on Nightmare mode, which is the game’s hardest difficulty. Beating the game on Nightmare mode will yield extremely high rewards, but it’s a useless endeavor if you die before the rewards can ever be earned. Custom settings are definitely the way to go if you want to make money in Phasmophobia without giving yourself a headache; keep reading to find out what the best custom settings for making money are in Phasmophobia!
Best Custom Settings for Money in Phasmophobia
We all know how easy it is to lose money fast in Phasmophobia. Equipment isn’t cheap, and neither is losing it all every time you die; if you want to make any significant progress in Phasmophobia at all, then you’ll need to start playing as efficiently as possible. Thankfully, this can be achieved rather easily with the game’s custom settings.
Making the game too easy won’t yield many rewards, and making the game too difficult will make the rewards impossible to get. To make the most out of your gameplay and maximize your profits, you’ll need to find the middle ground between the two. To make the most out of your ghost hunts and get as much money as possible, consider adding a few of these changes to your game’s settings:
- Turn your Starting Sanity down to as low as possible, and boost the Sanity Pill Restoration percentage. Just by doing this, you can literally double your profits. Just make sure to bring plenty of Sanity Pills on your next hunt!
- Turn the Ghost Speed up as much as you’re comfortable with, turn down the Player Speed, and make sure your ability to sprint is turned on. Turning up the Ghost Speed will boost your profits by a considerable margin, but by turning on your ability to sprint, you’ll still be able to outrun it.
- Set the Changing Favorite Room ghost setting to Medium or High. Doing this won’t have a ginormous effect on gameplay (especially if you only set it to “medium”) and it’ll add a decent boost to your Reward Multiplier.
- Set the ghost’s Hunt Duration to High. The ghost will hunt for longer, but as long as you’re familiar with the map, you shouldn’t have too much trouble outrunning or hiding from it. Just by doing this, you can help maximize your profits considerably.
- Turn down the Fingerprint Duration to 15. Doing this barely affects gameplay, especially if you’re hunting with a team. It doesn’t add a huge amount to your Rewards Multiplier, but it’s a good thing to have if you want your ghost hunts to run as efficiently as possible for money-making.
- Turn down the Number of Hiding Places to either Low or Medium. Doing this shouldn’t make too much of a difference as long as you’re familiar with the game’s maps, and it’ll add a decent monetary boost to your ghost hunts (especially if you set it to “low”).

In addition to these, make sure that the Friendly Ghost setting is turned off. Turning on the Friendly Ghost setting will cause the ghost to never hunt, never kill, and never put anyone in any danger. Turning on this setting will essentially put the game on easy mode, and you won’t get any rewards for beating it. Adding any of these changes to your settings in Phasmophobia will be useless if you have Friendly Ghost turned on!
By utilizing these settings changes, you’ll be able to make just as much cash and EXP as you would in Nightmare mode! Playing the game on Nightmare mode is a fun challenge every once in a while, but it’s extremely inefficient for making consistent money. With these custom settings changes, you’ll be making some massive money in Phasmophobia in no time!
Related: All Phasmophobia Planned Updates: Phasmophobia Roadmap Explained
Phasmophobia is unquestionably one of the best survival horror games on the market, hands down. If you love playing Phasmophobia and are drooling for a chance to play even more survival horror games, then check out Gamer Journalist’s guides for Sons of the Forest, Five Nights at Freddy’s, and Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed!
Published: Feb 24, 2023 09:18 pm