Outriders Expeditions Endgame Guide

Outriders Expeditions Guide: Tips for Getting to Challenge Tier 15

So, you beat the Outriders’ primary story campaign, and you want to clear all the endgame content. Well, if you fall behind in item levels or aren’t paying attention to your character’s build, the higher Challenge Tiers might prove difficult. We put together this Outriders Expeditions endgame guide to help you out. If you want to work your way from Challenge Tier 0 up to Challenge Tier 15, consider these tips and tricks.

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Outriders endgame consists of missions called Expeditions. The Expeditions’ difficulty is known as Challenge Tiers, comparable to World Tiers in the story campaign. There are fifteen difficulty tiers, with the highest tier dropping level 50 gear.

Outriders Expeditions Guide

Here are some tips and tricks to help you progress to the highest Challenge Tier of Expeditions in Outriders:

  • Have a proper build
  • Use the right gear and mods
  • Upgrade your items
  • Use survival mods

Some of these tips may sound like common sense, but staying on top of these four things will ensure you make it through the endgame. 


No matter what class you pick in Outriders, you’ll need a reliable build that allows you to output maximum damage. You can refer to our guides for Pyromancer, Technomancer, Trickster, and Devastator if you need some guidance. Having a proper build is essential for progressing up to Challenge Tier 15.

Gear and Mods

Like your class’s build, good gear is also crucial. Specifically, pay attention to your gears’ mods because that’s what will make or break you. In general, you’ll want to focus on mods that boost your primary damage skill. 

While we’re on the topic of gear, pay attention to the attributes. Just because something has higher armor, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a better item. For example, if you’re primarily doing damage with firepower, you want the Bonus Firepower stat, not something else like Anomaly Power. 

It’s important to note that the armor number on an item is still essential, but you’ll want to find a middle ground between high armor and good attributes. Armor contributes directly to physical damage mitigation, which is nearly all of the incoming damage. 


As you progress through more difficult tiers, the mob level will increase. You need to take that into account and remember to upgrade your gear at the crafting station. Since mobs get more challenging, you’ll need to either pick up better items in the next expedition or upgrade your current items.

If you are strapped for resources, you may want to consider upgrading your weapon first. You’ll get a big flat damage boost, and it will make a noticeable difference.

Survival Mods

When you have your primary mods figured out, you can start paying attention to Tier II and Tier III options. The highest Challenge Tiers will really test your character’s survivability, so you’ll want to focus on mods that help you in that aspect. We have a list of some of the better Tier II mods you can mix and match, depending on your build and playstyle.

  • Rejuvenation (Tier II): Receive Firepower, Anomaly Power, and armor for 8 seconds whenever your health replenishes.
  • Damage Absorber (Tier II): Increases your Armor and Resistance.
  • Thirst for Blood (Tier II): Killing enemies with a weapon while they’re afflicted with Bleed increases your Weapon Leech by 40% for 10 seconds.
  • Vein Ripper (Tier II): Critical shots inflict Bleed on enemies.
  • Vampiric Mag (Tier II): Killing shots on enemies afflicted with Bleed replenish half the ammo in your magazine.
  • Emergency Stance (Tier II): Attain Golem protective effect for 4 seconds when your health drops under 30%.
  • Ice Trap (Tier II): When your health drops below 30%, Freeze is inflicted on enemies within a 10-meter radius.
  • Mitigation from Death (Tier II): Killing enemies while ADS grants armor for 10 seconds.

As for Tier III mods, you’ll have to take them as the game gives them to you because finding legendary items is no easy task. That’s all you need to know to get through the Outriders Expeditions. We’ll keep you posted when we can make a more complete list of the strongest Tier III mods.

Image of Cole Andrews
Cole Andrews
Cole is a lifelong PC gamer who loves FPS, RPG, and MMO games. The first PC game that got him hooked was the Counter-Strike beta in 1999. He has thousands of hours in all of the old-school Blizzard games like Starcraft, Warcraft, and Diablo.