For those just getting started in Diablo 4, there are some stellar ways of earning stronger loot pretty early on. You just need to know where to look and be persistent!
One of the better ways to earn said items though is by completing missions such as the Exorcist’s Cache Quest. Completing it gives players access directly to the cache, and it’s filled with some pretty strong items to get players a bit more powerful in their quest. So, if you want to know how to unlock the Exorcist’s Cache in Diablo 4, then we can help!
How to Unlock Exorcist’s Cache in Diablo 4

In order to begin the Exorcist’s Cache Quest, you’ll need to pick it up in Lake Rusgitov. It’ll point you to the northern part of Frigid Expanse, Fractured Peaks where you’ll need to defeat as many Wraith-type enemies as you can until you’ve filled your Spirit Anima meter. Your best bet is to walk around the highlighted area of your map and kill those red-colored Wraiths, searching around for more as you dispatch those from the immediate area.
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Once you’ve totally filled that Spirit Anima meter up, you’ll be given a quest completion icon on the screen and the Exorcist’s Cache will drop along with Gold and XP. You won’t have to manually turn the quest in anywhere to get rewarded. The contents of the Exocrcist’s Cache are randomized but players have seen Rare items drop from the cache.
Can Other Players Help With The Exorcist’s Cache Quest?
Of course! As with most quests within Diablo 4, other players can most definitely help and assist you in unlocking the Exorcist’s Cache, and vice-versa. So if you’re playing with friends, it’ll be a bit easier to take down those Wraiths quicker and unlock the treasure that you’re seeking. The more the merrier!
Well, now you know everything you need to in order to unlock the Exorcist’s Cache in Diablo 4! If this helped you out at all, then be sure to check out some of our other great guides too, such as “Diablo 4 Couch Co-Op Explained: How to Gain Bonus XP, Requirements, and More”. And like Gamer Journalist on Facebook as well in order to get all of the latest Diablo 4 content!
Published: Jun 6, 2023 10:39 am