The Brocburrow puzzle is one of the trickiest mental exercises in all of Hogwarts Legacy. The game gives you very little to work with in terms of what you’re meant to do – and that’s probably why you’re here. Well, not to worry, because we’ve solved the Brocburrow puzzle so that you don’t have to.
We’re going to go over how to solve the Brocburrow puzzle in Hogwarts Legacy, as well as another puzzle you’ll find shortly afterward as a part of the A Bird in The Hand Companion quest.
Hogwarts Legacy – How to Solve Brocburrow Puzzle

When you arrive at the entrance to the ruin, you’ll be presented with a problem. The door to the ruins will be locked, with some symbols running along the entranceway. In front of the door, you’ll see the same symbols etched into the ground in a circle, along with two pillars.
Head to the rock in the center of that circle and interact with it to place your moonstone down. This will cause the pillars to start illuminating. The point of this puzzle is to move the pillars so that they illuminate the symbols glowing on the door.
The image above shows the correct spot for both the inside and outside pillars. Once you’ve aligned them correctly, the door will open and you’ll be able to head inside.
Related: How to Block Accio in Hogwarts Legacy
Hogwarts Legacy – How to Solve The Gilded Perch Puzzle

The second, and last puzzle you’ll encounter is a simple cube puzzle. After progressing through the run, you’ll be standing in front of a set of locked doors. You’ll notice two slots for cubes on the ground. If you look to your left and right, you’ll see a ledge that you can grab on each side.
Head left, and you’ll see a moveable step in front of the ledge. If you look left from there, you’ll see the first cube hidden on a shelf behind some vines. Use Accio to bring it to the left slot in front of the doors.
From there, use Accio to move the step to the ledge on the other side. The other cube is up there. Once again, use Accio to bring it down to the other slot.
Once both cubes are in place, case Incendio or Confringo on the left one, and Glacius on the right one to open up the doors.
From there, all you have to do is brutalize some poachers and you’ll be well on your way to finishing out Poppy’s Companion questline.
For more Hogwarts Legacy puzzle guides, tips, and tricks – follow Gamer Journalist on Facebook. We’ll keep you informed on what’s going on with Hogwarts Legacy.
Published: Feb 24, 2023 12:48 pm