Reaching south of the world map in Hogwarts Legacy isn’t as easy as it initially seems. You can’t just hop on your broom and fly there – you’ll end up hitting an invisible barrier. Instead, the game has a very clear and intentional way for you to progress between the north and south, and that’s what we’re going over here.
We’re going to explain how to get to the southern region of the map, whenever you want. The area may be tied to a late-game main quest, but it’s not locked to it. You can go south whenever you want – provided you’re at a high enough level to defeat the enemies.
Hogwarts Legacy – How to Reach South of World Map

The Hogwarts Legacy map is divided into two sections – North and South. A choke point on the world map separates the two regions, with invisible walls running around the nearby mountains. The only way to reach south of the world map in Hogwarts Legacy is to get through that choke point by progressing through a tunnel.
You’ll naturally be sent to this area as a part of the Hogwarts Legacy main quest. However, it’s a fairly late-game quest, and a lot of you won’t want to wait around to get it. Luckily, the region isn’t locked behind this quest. You can go and clear the tunnel whenever you want, letting you get to the south of the world map far sooner than you’re meant to.
Related: How to Use Map with Floating Candles in Hogwarts Legacy
Merlin Trial and Bandit Camp

The region you’re looking for is the South Sea Bog. To get there, travel to the Merlin Trial pictured on the map above. This camp is full of high-level enemies, as well as a few trolls. It’s not an easy fight by any means – especially if you’re coming here earlier than you’re supposed to.
Deal with the camp, then open your map and place a waypoint on the nearby Floo Flame. Your map will show you a waypoint to that flame which conveniently runs through the tunnel we need to clear.
The tunnel is packed full of Ranrok’s loyalists, all of which are again high-level. You’ll be fighting your way through the tunnel, and out the other side. Once you’re in the clear, grab the fast travel for the Floo Flame, hop on your broom, and explore to your heart’s content.
You’re now on the other side of all those invisible barriers with full access to south of the world map in Hogwarts Legacy. What you’ll find here is practically the same as in the northern regions, albeit at higher levels. If you’re wandering around here and you’re under-leveled – just make sure you’re careful.
That’s it for how to reach south of the world map in Hogwarts Legacy. For more tips and tricks like this, make sure you follow Gamer Journalist on Facebook. We’ll keep you up to date on everything going on in the world of Hogwarts Legacy.
Published: Mar 14, 2023 08:38 am