Dead by Daylight is a game that requires a good amount of practice and workshopping to get really good at. It can be a bit disheartening to try and practice new builds or characters against real players, though, as odds are good you’re going to get the runaround. In lieu of that, get some practice in on bots! Here’s how to play with Survivor bots in Dead by Daylight.
How to Play With Survivor Bots in Dead by Daylight
As of Dead by Daylight’s Forged in Fog chapter, you can add bot-controlled Survivors to a Custom Game. This is a very handy feature for practicing new builds and strategies, or if you’re just bored and want to stalk some suckers for a few minutes.
Related: Dead by Daylight Survivors Tier List
Utilizing this feature is incredibly easy; you don’t need any kind of DLC installed, though you can’t do it offline since you still need to connect to the game’s servers to play. Here’s the step-by-step for playing with Survivor bots:
- From Dead by Daylight’s main menu, click on “Custom Game.”
- Whether you’re playing as a Killer or Survivor, you should see a handful of floating plus signs. Click on one to get two options, “Invite a Friend” and “Add Bot.”
- Click “Add Bot,” and the game will select a random Survivor character to fill in the slot. If you don’t like the Survivor that gets chosen, just click on their name to remove them and add someone else.
- Once all the player slots are full, press Ready, and the game will load up as normal.
Rules and Restrictions

Since this feature is mostly for practice purposes, it does come with a few caveats you should be aware of. Firstly, you can only have Survivor bots, not Killer bots. You can still play as a Survivor yourself alongside a team of bots, but you will need a friend to be a Killer. This feature is better suited for Killer players who want a full team of Survivors to pick on.
Second, since it’s a Custom Game, you can freely select your character’s perks, add-ons, and offerings from all of the options available in the game. However, for that same reason, you cannot earn any Bloodpoints or XP from playing with bots, nor can you clear Tome or daily challenges.
Finally, the Survivor bots aren’t exactly expert survivalists. They have no perks or items equipped, and while they have the basic ideas of the game down pat, they have a tendency to do some silly things like walk into walls. Again, this feature is primarily intended for practicing basic techniques or workshopping new builds; don’t expect these bots to get especially tricky on you.
Whether you’re developing the next big Killer strategy or just want an amusingly visceral way to spend the afternoon, Survivor bots are there for your convenience! Don’t worry about sacrificing them, they have no feelings. Probably.
Published: Nov 30, 2022 12:41 pm