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How to Get Polymorphic Shellcode in Destiny 2 Lightfall

Get this item for the Partition: Hard Reset quest!

Play Destiny 2…it is your destiny! But for real, this game is truly something else, especially with Season 20 and the Lightfall expansion’s new release. Bungie has crafted a stellar sequel to the original Destiny game, and even the most veteran players of the original are forced to begrudgingly admit that this one is a masterpiece. With a fluid combat system and plenty of beautiful animations, Destiny 2 is sure to impress even the most scrutinizing critics, or your fourteen-year-old brother. Whoever comes first, I guess!

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There are plenty of side missions and smaller quests in the game that players can take on if they are looking for some unique adventures, or if they want certain rewards that these objectives offer. In this guide we will cover how to get Polymorphic Shellcode in Destiny 2 Lightfall.

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How Do You Get Polymorphic Shellcode in Destiny 2 Lightfall?

All new armor sets in Destiny 2 Lightfall screenshot
Image via Bungie

In order to get the Polymorphic Shellcode, which is used to finish the Partition: Hard Reset quest and gain a Pinnacle-tier gear piece, you will first need to do a couple of other things in the game. So without further ado, here is everything you need to finish in Destiny 2 in order to get the Polymorphic Shellcode.

Complete the Bluejay Quest

You will first need to complete the Bluejay Quest, which requires you to have already finished the ‘Welcome to the Hall of Heroes‘ quest, the ‘Stargazer‘ mission and ‘Maelstrom‘ as well. After that, you have to kill a bunch of enemies inside the Vex Incursion Zone and also open a Terminal Overload Key Chest to complete the Bluejay Quest. This second part is a public event that has been created with multiple fireteams in mind, so it is not recommended that you go alone. Once you finish the Bluejay Quest and turn it in to the Archivist in the Hall of Heroes, you will be able to view Nimbus’ Weekly Bounties.

Collect Nimbus’ Weekly Bounty

After you have successfully finished off the Bluejay Quest, head to Nimbus’ Weekly Bounties and finish the quest that is in the bottom left corner, which will be the Weekly Bounty for that current week. You will need to complete this bounty in order to earn the Polymorphic Shellcode, and bounties can vary in terms of what you will need to do, from defeating enemies to accomplishing certain achievements in Destiny 2. However, once you are done the bounty you will be able to get the Polymorphic Shellcode, which can be used for the Partition: Hard Reset quest. Enjoy, and good luck Guardian!

Gamer Journalist posts often on our Facebook, so visit that for all the latest content on the games that you know and love to play! For more helpful guides and tutorials on Destiny 2, don’t miss Destiny 2’s Lightfall Exotic Armor Has Been Revealed and Destiny 2 How to Complete Abhorrent Imperative – Activity Guide

Image of Sullivan Pearson
Sullivan Pearson
Sullivan is a longtime gamer with a special passion for MMORPG games and single-player classics. He is always looking for a new game to play, and loves to share his interests and expertise with the gaming world.