Statistically speaking, you’ve probably eaten at least one piece of grass in your lifetime, intentionally or otherwise. Grass is generally harmless to eat in small amounts, but it’s not something you should make a habit of eating. Of course, when you live in a woodland cult, you can’t always be picky, so you might just have to get used to it. Here’s how to get Grass Eater in Cult of the Lamb.
How to Get Grass Eater in Cult of the Lamb
Grass Eater is a special trait you can apply to all of your followers in Cult of the Lamb that removes the negative penalties associated with eating grass-based meals. Specifically, it removes the penalties from Grassy Gruel, a recipe one of your followers will tell you about early on in the game. Grassy Gruel has a high chance of inflicting illness and lowering your cult’s Faith on its own, but with Grass Eater, it becomes a handy staple dish you can use to supplement your cult’s diet.
Related: How to Leave Crusades Early in Cult of the Lamb
Grass Eater is obtained by declaring Doctrines in your cult. When you complete quests, clear crusades, or occasionally get lucky during crusades, you’ll find pieces of Commandment Stones. Get three, and you can use the completed Commandment Stone to declare a doctrine in the crown menu at your temple.

Grass Eater is one of the two doctrines you can declare on the second line of the Sustenance category, paired with Cannibal. This means that you’ll need a minimum of two Commandment Stones (six fragments total) to enact the Grass Eater doctrine, as you’ll need to declare the first line of the Sustenance category first.
Once you declare the Grass Eater doctrine, all of your followers, present and future, will automatically receive the Grass Eater trait, removing the penalties from Grassy Gruel. Fair warning, though, Grass Eater only applies to your followers, not to you. If you attempt to eat a bowl of Grassy Gruel yourself, there’s a good chance you’ll puke and lose half a heart.
Published: Aug 15, 2022 10:46 am