There are plenty of new World Quests to complete in Genshin Impact‘s new The Chalk Prince and The Dragon content update. Most of these start in Mondstadt, but you’ll need to know which NPCs to speak with to begin them. Perhaps the last two you’ll need to complete is The Great Moutain Survey 1 and The Great Mountain Survey 2. Before you can get these, make sure to finish the In The Mountains quest. Here’s how to complete The Great Moutain Survey 1 & 2 in Genshin Impact.
To start this quest, teleport to the northmost waypoint in Dragonspine and speak with Esther. She is just northeast of the teleport point, standing next to a large rock.
How to Complete The Great Mountain Survey 1 & 2 in Genshin Impact
The Great Moutain Survey 1 is a two-part quest, where you must retrieve four survey beacons and then place them in the proper area. The beacons are all located in the same area, which shows up as a map marker. You’ll need to grab a Scarlet Quartz for the last beacon because it’s encased in some ice.
After retrieving all four, return to Esther to grab the next part of this world quest. Next, you need to place all the beacons in different areas around the map.

Beacon Location 1
First, we’ll start with the beacon located on the far east side. The spot you need to place it is at the top of a broken tower, but you can’t climb up the side of it. For that reason, climb the mountain next to the waypoint so you can get enough height. Then, you can glide over to the beacon location so you can get up there. There are some other ways to get up there, too, like using Geo structures or Venti’s wind tunnel.

Beacon Location 2
Next, we’ll go to the center beacon, which is near Albedo’s lab. You can simply climb up the mountain to get this one. There’s no tricks or anything special to do for this beacon.

Beacon Location 3
Next up is the southern beacon. It’s another easy one to get to, but you’ll need to do a fair bit of climbing. I’d recommend climbing the mountain next to the teleport point and then gliding over to the other summit.

Beacon Location 4
Finally, the last beacon is on the west side of Dragonspine, close to Esther. Make your way over there from either of the two nearby fast travel points. It’s on the top of a mountain, but there’s nothing special you need to do here.

Finally, return to Esther to complete The Great Mountain Survey 1. You can now pick up the second World Quest from her. You need to place a survey beacon on Dragonspine’s Summit, one of the new regions’ highest points.
How to place a survey beacon on Dragonspine’s Summit
Start at the waypoint next to the domain in Dragonspine. Head north and climb the mountain. When you reach the top, you’ll see an Anemo activation point. Use any Anemo character to activate it, and take the wind tunnels across to the other side.
Continue climbing the mountain to the peak until you get to the survey beacon spot. Place the beacon and return to Esther. She will send you back to Mondstadt to deliver a letter. From there, you can pay a visit to the Mondstadt reputation vendor to get your Primogems for completing the two quests.
Published: Dec 27, 2020 01:18 am