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How Do You Get S Rank in Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course DLC? Answered

With The Delicious Last Course including the most difficult boss fights yet, you're going to need all of the help you can get.

The gigantic expansion for Studio MDHR’s magnum opus, Cuphead, Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course DLC has arrived and with it, even more of the bombastic, calculated combat synonymous with the original game. This DLC is said to include the most difficult boss fights to date for the series, making it that much harder for completionists to earn the coveted S Rank in-game. Luckily, we can answer the question; how do you get S Rank in Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course DLC?

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How Do You Get S Rank in Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course DLC?

Cuphead Delicious Last Course Boss Fight
Image via Studio MDHR

When it came to getting S Rank in the original Cuphead, there were some criteria that had to be met for players pursuing an S Ranking on the many boss fights throughout the game. The original game was more than difficult enough on its easier mode, and with The Delicious Last Course being touted as even more challenging, one can only imagine how much more difficult it is to get an S Ranking in The Delicious Last Course.

Again, there are certain requirements needed for players to get an S Rank, and it actually takes a bit of time to obtain. Firstly, you have to be playing on Expert difficulty to even have the chance of obtaining an S, but you can’t even play on Expert until you’ve beaten the entire game on Regular mode first. This means that you’ll want to focus on beating the game first, at least once (keeping in mind that you don’t start on easy first) to even consider going for an S Rank.

If and when you get the Expert mode unlocked, then that’s where you’re going to want to focus on the actually requirements of each boss fight in order to get an S Rank on all of them. This is where the real fun begins as there are quite a few hoops you have to jump through during each fight to get them, all the while not failing entirely.

Here’s what you need to achieve in order to get an S Rank:

  • Use 6 super cards
  • Beat each stage within 2:10
  • Do not take 1 hit
  • Parry 3 times
  • Play it on Expert

Of course, this is all a lot easier said than done. If The Delicious Last Course is truly more difficult than the original game, it is sure to take the majority of players trying to obtain an S Rank a lot of time and tears until it is finally accomplished.

But that’s how it’s done! Now you know how to get an S Rank in Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course DLC. With the game just releasing, only a few players even know what to expect in terms of the boss fights. And with that I say, good luck.

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Image of Nathaniel Litt
Nathaniel Litt
Hi! I'm Nathaniel; Star Wars nerd, musician, and active daydreamer. When it comes to gaming, I'll try anything at least once. My mains though are FPS, Action-Adventure, and Puzzle-Platformers.