Genshin Impact: Orobashi’s Legacy and Formation Estate Domain Guide

Orobashi’s Legacy is a three-part quest in Genshin Impact, which takes place on Yashiori Island in the Inazuma region. Completing this long and tedious quest chain is how you can unlock the Formation Estate Domain. You may have already found the location of this domain, but are unable to solve the puzzle due to the weather conditions. In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to complete Orobashi’s Legacy and unlock the Formation Estate domain in Genshin Impact.

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The Orobashi’s Legacy quest chain in Genshin Impact begins at Kaji, an NPC found at the outskirts of Fort Fujitou on Yashiori Island, Inazuma. Go and speak with him to complete the prologue and begin the quests.

How to Complete Orobashi’s Legacy and Unlock the Formation Estate Domain

When you have the quest from Kaji, he will ask you to repair three wards at the following locations:

  1. Musoujin Gorge
  2. Serpent’s Head
  3. Jakotsu Mine
Genshin Impact: How to Complete Orobashi's Legacy and Unlock Formation Estate Domain

The wards are each missing two parts, and you’ll need to solve a few puzzles to locate each part and put them back inside the ward. Repairing the wards makes them light up, which causes some changes to the island, ultimately allowing you to access the Formation Estate Domain.

Orobashi’s Legacy Part 1: Musoujin Gorge Ward Puzzle and Missing Pieces

Locate the Musoujin Gorge Ward, and interact with it. You will notice two missing parts, and you can obtain them from within the blue seal at the nearby location to the northeast. To open up the seal, you must align the Electro Pillars properly. The first Pillar will be glowing, and you can attack it to begin the sequence, at which point you’ll notice an Electro Orb shoot out of it. Your goal is to align the pillars so the Electro Orb goes through all of the pillars and lands on the blue seal. You can adjust the orientation (left and right) and elevation (up and down) by interacting with the pillars.

Here is the Musoujin Gorge Ward puzzle solution:

After aligning the pillars correctly and destroying the seal, you can enter the area and pick up the following two items:

  • Musoujin Gorge: Rock Pillar Pearl
  • Mosoujin Gorge: Rock Pillar Warding Stone

Inserting the two missing pieces into the ward makes it light up and makes the weather change. Return to Kaji and speak with him again. He will then lead you to Serpent’s Head and Jakotsu Mine.

Orobashi’s Legacy Part 2: Serpent’s Head Ward Puzzle and Missing Pieces

When you locate the Serpent’s Head Ward, you’ll find the blue seal Nearby if you follow your elemental vision. Like the previous step, you’ll need to align all seven Electro Pillars correctly and then attack the first one to begin the sequence. You can refer to the image below for the Serpent’s Head War puzzle solution.

Again, you will need to locate the following two items and place them in the ward:

  • Musoujin Gorge: Rock Pillar Pearl
  • Mosoujin Gorge: Rock Pillar Warding Stone

The Rock Pillar Pearl is on top of the small rock formation inside the blue seal. To find the Rock Pillar Warding Stone, go back to the ward and use your Elemental Vision to scan the area. It will lead you northeast into a cave. Grab the Electrogranum before going down, so you can traverse the Electro Barrier and grab the Warding Stone. Insert both pieces into the ward, and then proceed to the next area: Jakotsu Mine.

Orobashi’s Legacy Part 3: Jakotsu Mine Ward Puzzle and Missing Pieces

At the Jakotsu Mine, you will find the next ward, which is missing two pieces, yet again. You will find the blue seal nearby, and you’ll need to align all seven Electro Pillars as shown below. Here is the Jakotsu Mine Ward puzzle solution:

After breaking the seal, drop down into the area and interact with the Emergency Notice sign. Use your Elemental Vision and follow it to the northeast. You will pass a few Hydro Slimes, which you will need to defeat. After eliminating them, proceed north, following the magic trail. Defeat the Electro Fatui, and grab the Electrogranum so you can traverse the barrier. Defeat the Hydro Fatui, and grab the Jakotsu Mine: Rock Pillar Pearl from overhead.

Next, you can return to the area where you broke the seal, and use your Elemental Vision to reveal another path. This time, follow it northwest into the cave. Climb up the wall, grab the Electrogranum, and pick up the Jakotsu Mine: Rock Pillar Warding Stone from inside the barrier.

You can then return to the ward and insert the two missing pieces. Finally, you can go to the final location, which is the Formation Estate Domain found on your map.

Formation Estate Puzzle Solution

After you have all three wards lit up, you can finally solve the final puzzle to open the Formation Estate Domain. Light up the three torches with any Pyro character, and then interact with the block. The domain will emerge from the rocks, revealing itself and allowing you to enter and grab the waypoint.

The rewards for completing the Formation Estate Puzzle are as follows:

  • 40 Primogems
  • 500 Adventure EXP
  • 5 Electro Sigil
  • 1 Hopeful Heart
  • 2 Guide to Light
  • 3 Hero’s Wit
  • 5 Mystic Enhancement Ore
  • 30000 Mora

As you can see, completing these domains is a great way to obtain some Electro Sigils. Anyway, I hope this guide helps you learn how to complete Orobashi’s Legacy and unlock the Formation Estate Domain in Genshin Impact.

Image of Cole Andrews
Cole Andrews
Cole is a lifelong PC gamer who loves FPS, RPG, and MMO games. The first PC game that got him hooked was the Counter-Strike beta in 1999. He has thousands of hours in all of the old-school Blizzard games like Starcraft, Warcraft, and Diablo.