Day five of the Tomo Mimi event in Genshin Impact is now available, and we have some more translating to do. Thanks to Ella Muks and her Handy Handbook of Hilichurlian, speaking with the Hilichurls has never been easier. Even so, finding some of these words can be challenging. That’s where we put together this guide to help you out. So, what does Kucha Gusha mean in Genshin Impact?
What does Kucha Gusha mean in Genshin Impact
Kucha gusha means seed in Hilichurl language in Genshin Impact. While Hilichurls do not practice farming themselves, they often stockpile seeds and even bury them. The word Kucha means small, so the phrase roughly translates to small seed. You can give a Dandelion Seed to the Diligent Hilichurl during day five of the Tomo Mimi event in Genshin Impact. Dandelion Seeds are a tiny seed that rides on the wind, and you probably have many of them in your inventory.

After giving a Dandelion Seed (Kucha gusha) to the Diligent Hilichurl, it will point you toward the Tianqiu Valley area to find the Unusual Hilichurl. There are a couple of Fatui in the area, so you may want to take them out first before starting the fight with the Unusual Hilichurl. You’ll also want to set your clock to anywhere between 18:00 and 00:00 since the clue is “mosi aba nunu,” which translates to before sleep.
Eliminate the Hilichurl within the time limit, and then don’t forget to claim your rewards as usual. The day five rewards include 60 Primogems, 6 Hero’s Wit, and Thundering Heavens Drums. Check back again tomorrow for the next Hilichurl translation. Oh, and don’t forget to check out our Genshin Impact Tomo Mimi event guide if you’re having any trouble with the event or want a simple walkthrough.
Published: May 31, 2021 03:53 am