This guide will focus on a maximum DPS Division 2 Warlords of New York PvE build. You’ll need to take advantage of cover a lot with this build because it’s a bit squishy, but you’ll be pumping out maximum damage and melt all enemies easily.
We’ll be running this build with a Gunner class because of the medkit which gives +100% armor +50% bonus armor. It also gives +10% armor-on-kill and the 50 round MAG so it adds a lot of benefits for us. Ammo regeneration will help us always have ammo as well which is important.
You should be able to clear level 4 heroic control points without a problem. Heroic activities are also no challenge whatsoever with this build, so you shouldn’t be having any issues PvE. Continue reading for everything you need to know about the Warlords of New York best PvE build.
Best PvE Build Attributes & Stats
- Damage: 110k
- RPM: 850
- MAG: 150
- Armor: 664k
- Health: 270.6k
- Critical Hit Chance: 55%
- Critical Hit Damage: 106%
- Headshot Damage: 75%
- Armor Damage: 11%
- Reload Time: 5.3
- Reload Speed Bonus: 9%
- All Weapons Damage Bonus: 54%
- Light Machine Gun Damage Bonus: 34%
Best PvE Build Weapon
We’ll be working with an IWI Negev, which is a High-End Light Machinegun (LMG). It has the Frenzy talent on it, which causes a +3% rate of fire and +3% weapons damage for 5 seconds for every 10 bullets in the magazine capacity. This is an extra 45% damage when reloading from magazine, which is a huge boost.
Another option is to run one with the Strained talent, which adds +10% critical hit damage every 0.5 seconds you’re firing, stacking up to 5 times total.

Weapon Attachments
- Rugged Mini Reflex Sight – +5.0% Critical Hit Chance
- Large Pouch – +50 Rounds
- Laser Pointer – +5% Critical Hit Chance
- Omega 7.62 Rifle Suppressor – +20% Stability, -10% Optimal Range
Best PvE Build Gear
We’ll be rocking a 3/3 Providence Defense set for the following stats:
- +10% Headshot Damage
- +10% Critical Hit Chance
- +15% Critical Hit Damage
Mask: Field Protective Mask (Providence Defense)
- + Weapon Damage
- + Critical Hit Damage
- + Critical Hit Damage
- + Armor Regeneration

Armor: Ceska Vyroba s.r.o.
- + Critical Hit Chance
- + Weapon Damage
- + Hazard Protection (should switch this to critical damage)
- + Critical Hit Damage
- + Elites Protection
- Glass Cannon Talent – all damage you deal is amplified by 25%, and all damage you take is amplified by 50%. Feel free to switch this out for something like Unbreakable if you don’t like playing Glass Cannon builds.

Holster: Modular Holster (Providence Defense)
- + Weapon Damage
- + Critical Hit Damage
- + Critical Hit Chance

Kneepads: Sundown Knee Guards
- + Weapon Damage
- + Critical Hit Chance
- + Critical Hit Damage

Gloves: Contractor’s Gloves (Petrov Defense Group)
- Set Bonus: +10% LMG Damage
- + Weapon Damage
- + Damage to Armor
- + Critical Hit Chance

Backpack: Tactical 48h Backpack (Providence Defense)
- + Weapon Damage
- + Critical Hit Damage
- + Critical Hit Chance
- + Critical Hit Chance
- Unstoppable Force Talent – killing an enemy increases total weapon damage by 5% for 15 seconds and stacks up to 5 times.

Fixer Drone
Running the repair drone helps us to stay alive, giving us 18,000 healing with no skill tier and has >1,000,000 HP. You should have an armor repair mod and a health mod on there.

Reviver Hive
This is a solo player build so a Reviver Hive will be useful. Put a health mod on there and the mod that gives extra armor when you get revived.

Overall Stats
- Damage: 110k
- Critical Hit Chance: 55%
- Critical Hit Damage: 106%
- Headshot Damage: 75%
- Armor Damage: 11%
- Reload Time: 5.3
- Reload Speed Bonus: 9%
- All Weapons Damage Bonus: 54%
- Light Machine Gun Damage Bonus: 34%
Published: Mar 6, 2020 06:50 am