Dead by Daylight Pinhead "The Cenobite" Perks and Power

Dead by Daylight Pinhead “The Cenobite” Perks and Power

Dead by Daylight has released their new PTB, featuring a new killer: Pinhead “The Cenobite.” Fans were anticipating the release of Pinhead after the references to 19:87 in Behaviour Interactive’s trailer. In case you missed it, you can check out the full Chapter 21 PTB patch notes here. In this post, we’ll be taking a look at the Dead by Daylight Pinhead “The Cenobite” perks and power.

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The Cenobite

A summoning Killer, able to possess chain projectiles and use the Lament Configuration to torture every Survivor at once.

His personal perks, Deadlock, Hex: Plaything, and Scourge Hook: Gift of Pain, allow him to slow generator progress and continue to torment Survivors who have experienced his sweet suffering.


A demon to some, an angel to others. Pinhead is an explorer in the further regions of experience, indulging in the limitless thrill of pleasure and pain. When the puzzle box known as the Lament Configuration—a key to another dimension—was found in The Entity’s realm, it was only a matter of time before it fell into curious hands. Once opened, he arrived. What came next was sweet suffering that spilled over the realm.

Dead by Daylight Pinhead “The Cenobite” Perks

Pinhead “The Cenobite” has the following perks in Dead by Daylight:

  • Deadlock
  • Hex: Plaything
  • Scourge Hook: Gift of Pain


A very rare perk for The Cenobite. You induce mental suffering by crushing any hope of escape. After a generator is repaired, The Entity blocks the generator with the most progress for 30 seconds. You see its white aura during this time.

Hex: Plaything

It is a hex that toys with a victim’s suffering. The first time you hook a Survivor, they become Cursed and Hex: Plaything activates on a Dull Totem. The Cursed Survivor suffers from the Oblivious status effect until Hex: Plaything is cleaned.

Hex: Plaything’s totem aura is revealed to the Cursed Survivor when within 16 meters of it. For the first 90 seconds, only the Cursed Survivor can cleanse the totems.

Scourge Hook: Gift of Pain

You are the bringer of sweet pain. At the start of the trial, up to four random hooks are changed into scourge hooks. you see their auras in white. 

When a Survivor is unhooked from a scourge hook, they suffer from the Hemorrhage and Mangled status effect until fully healed. The first time the Survivor is healed, they suffer a 9% penalty to healing and repairing actions until injured again.

Dead by Daylight Pinhead “The Cenobite” Power

Pinhead “The Cenobite” has the following power in Dead by Daylight:

  • Summons of Pain

An extradimensional gateway that leads to pleasure and pain so great it will tear your soul apart. 

Press the Power Button to create a gateway and release the button to open it. Once opened, tap the Ability Button to summon forth a possessed chain under your control.. Direct the chain into a Survivor to blind them.

A Survivor bound to a chain is unable to sprint. Their movement speed will decrease further as they’re hit with a second and third chain. Survivors can perform the Break Free action to escape.

Lament Configuration: If left alone, the Lament Configuration initiates a Chain Hunt by summoning chains to pursue Survivors. The hunt ends when a Survivor picks up the Lament Configuration. 

A Survivor carrying the Lament Configuration will be afflicted with the Oblivious status effect and chains will occasionally be summoned to attack them. The Survivor must solve the Lament Configuration to remove it from their possession. While doing this. The Cenobite will see their location and beable to teleport to it.

When The Cenobite picks up the Lament Configuration, a Chain Hunt is activated. Additionally, all Survivors are instantly bound by chains, causing them to scream and reveal their locations.

The Lament Configuration will spawn in a new location after The Cenobite or a Survivor has used it.
