Law enforcement is a little different in different parts of the world. Some places get more uppity about certain kinds of crime, while others are a little more chill about some things. If you consider yourself a career criminal, you’d do well to know which locales will hunt you down like a rabbid animal for jaywalking, and which will shrug and wag their finger at you. So, what are the easiest countries to get away with crime and murder in Bitlife?
Bitlife – Easiest Countries to Get Away with Crime and Murder
(Quick disclaimer: the following comments are only related to the playing of the game Bitlife. Any opinions below relate only to that game, and do not reflect any opinions on real-life law enforcement agencies or national security.)
In Bitlife, committing crimes ranging from petty larceny to premeditated murder is as simple as picking options from a drop-down menu. That said, after you do the deed, you’ll often have to run your butt away from law enforcement, hide out for a protracted period of time, and/or attempt to defend yourself in court if the first two things go sour.
Related: How to Increase Karma in BitLife
However, depending on the country your character lives in, this may not be as much of a headache as it could be. Some countries have laxer laws when it comes to certain crimes, or otherwise have less persistent police forces. You’ll probably still have to run and hide, but it won’t be as difficult.
What are the Best Bitlife Countries for Crime?

Generally speaking, the best countries to live in Bitlife if you’re planning a crime spree are India and Ecuador. The authorities in these countries are more susceptible to strategies for throwing them off your back like bribery and flirting. This is especially useful if you’re a member of the Latin Mafia, as you’ll probably have to make a habit of one or both of those.
It’s also worth noting that, if you can become a member of the United Kingdom‘s Royal Family, crime becomes exceptionally easy. In the UK, members of royalty can’t be charged for crimes (at least in Bitlife), so if you can make your way in through birth, marriage, or however else, you basically have a golden ticket. You do need to be in line for the throne, however.
If you’re looking to be a crook in Bitlife, it’s not just a matter of your criminal skillset. It’s all about location, location, location.
For more info on the unsavory side of life in Bitlife, check out our guides on doing drugs and panhandling and scamming. Visit our Facebook page for more guides and news, too.
Published: Jan 16, 2023 09:35 am