Remember the good ol’ days when you would come home from school and play online with your friends? We lived in simpler times when it didn’t matter how expensive your computer was because, back then, the graphics weren’t the best. Now, we’re in a time where you can leave your computer at home and take out your phone to play some pretty awesome MMORPGs.
When Runescape announced they’d be going mobile, veterans lost their minds. Our list is comprised of games that are controversial because your favorite MMO may not be our favorite MMO. Here are the top 5 best mobile MMOs and MMORPGs.
Top Mobile MMOs and MMORPGs
The top MMOs and MMORPGs are up for debate, but at least we can all agree that Diablo Immortal will not be on this list. The games we’re focusing on continue to have a loyal fanbase, come regularly with updates, and have a great overall story. We like playing games where there is some consistency. If you don’t see your favorite game on here, don’t worry, your game is still great. We just have different tastes. Here are the top five MMOs and MMORPGs you can play on your iPhone or Android.
1. RunesScape

RuneScape will always be the OG. It’s a game that has been around as long as World of Warcraft. There was a huge divide between WOW players and RS players. Majority of people who played Runescape sought it out because it was a cheaper alternative than World of Warcraft. Whatever your reasons are, you can agree, that once you start RuneScape you will never quit. There are still players from 2007 who go back to it from time to time. When Jagex announced it would become a mobile game in 2018 everyone was curious how it would perform. Thankfully, the game is exactly as if you were to play on your computer. With versions such as Old School RuneScape you can immerse yourself in a world you once enjoyed as a teenager. Play as either someone who wants to fight through PVP or participate in quests and skilling to earn capes. Whatever path you choose is up to you.
2. Tower of Fantasy

Tower of Fantasy was rumored to be the next Genshin Impact. This game is set in the year 2658 and you can create an avatar to your liking. Unlike in Genshin where you have a set character, in this game, you can create a character with tons of possibilities. Character creation got so popular because you could re-create anime, video games, and popular characters. We even created a list of the best Tower of Fantasy presets you could find and use. Go through the world of Aida and kill monsters, complete quests, and earn cool weapons. It’s definitely a fun game to play with the many activities you can take part in and the ruins you can explore. If you like how Genshin Impact set up their wish system where you can try to get lucky to roll for a five-star character, you’ll like Tower of Fantasy, which pretty much does the same thing.
3. Ni No Kuni: Cross Worlds

Fans of the Ni No Kuni franchise should immediately download this game to play on their phone. It has faithful cutscenes and the voice acting is beautifully done. There’s plenty to do in this game where you can roll for monsters to join your party, own your own plot of land to grow crops, and partake in plenty of quests. The world bosses you have to face can be difficult unless you find a party to help take them down. With all there’s to do in Ni No Kuni it’s no wonder this game is on our list of our favorite MMOs. We also love the fact that its story-driven so you’ll be entertained for hours going through the dialogue and figuring out how you ended up in this world.
3. Genshin Impact

Honestly, we prefer playing Genshin Impact on our console or PC, but if you wanted to play Genshin Impact on your phone you definitely can. Is Genshin an MMORPG? Absolutely not but it has some elements of an MMO. You can play with others online but it’s not an MMORPG. Genshin Impact is an action role-playing game with an open world that has an incredible story. You play as a traveler with faithful Paimon as your companion. As you progress through the story you’ll meet a wide variety of characters who can join your party. Of course majority of them, you need to roll for them through a gacha system. We’re adding this to the list because it does have some multiplayer capabilities and is very popular to play.
4. Lineage 2: Revolution

MMOs are popular because of character creation and playing the way you want to play. In Lineage 2 you can pick a class that ranges from Elf, Dark Elf, Human, Dwarf, & Orc. After you create your character you can pick a class, participate in quests, and join other plays to take down monsters. With the majority of MMO games, there is a grind feature where you need to kill a bunch of monsters for experience. The reason this game is on our list is that it has a loyal fanbase that follows the Lineage franchise. With over 30 million players you can meet interesting players and follow a great story that takes place 100 years to the prequel on PC.
5. Adventure Quest 3D

Do you enjoy playing cozy games? Adventure Quest 3D is an MMO for gamers who prefer a nonchalant way of playing. Instead of dealing with PvP you can enjoy a fun quest line, meet other characters, and it’s a great game to play if you’re just starting on your MMO journey. Plenty of people say that this a game where you can take a break, come back, and play without feeling worried about missing out on events. If you want to introduce your kids to MMO games you can try showing them this game. The storyline is simple, casual, and easy to understand.
That’s our list of the top five best mobile MMOs and MMORPGs you can download TODAY on your iPhone or Android. We’re covering everything to do with gaming so be sure to check for updates on Gamer Journalist for upcoming gaming news. We post daily news and guides on upcoming and new games.
Related: Genshin Impact King Deshret and the Three Magi Rewards Guide: All Rewards
Published: Oct 10, 2022 06:00 pm