There are four unique classes in Outriders, and if you’re looking to play a tanky character, the Devastator is an ideal choice. By utilizing the Seismic Shifter path in the skill tree, you can mitigate a ton of damage while constantly keeping yourself and others buffed. It’s an excellent class for teamplay but also viable for solo play. Here’s a look at the best Devastator tank build in Outriders.
There are tons of viable builds for any glass, and our guide is for newer players looking for an example setup to play. Our Devastator tank build is excellent for both group and solo play, but don’t be inclined to copy it exactly. Part of the fun of looter-shooter action RPGs is coming up with builds. Use this as a baseline and make some tweaks to make it your own!
Best Devastator Tank Build in Outriders
Let’s take a look at our version of the best Devastator tank build in Outriders, including the skills, class tree, gear, and mods.
Best Skills for Devastator Tanks
Here are the three skills we’ll be utilizing for the Devastator tank build:
- Golem: Damage reduced by 65% for eight seconds
- Reflect Bullets: Reflect all projectiles at enemies.
- Impale: Hit enemies with large spikes from the ground, inflicting Bleed. Lethal damage results in the enemy getting impaled, granting bonus armor and health regen to nearby allies for nine seconds.
The goal of a tank is to soak damage, and that’s exactly what we’ll be doing with the reflect bullets ability. We’ll also be focusing on having high damage mitigation and Armor, so we’re tough as nails and never die. Finally, we want to buff up that impale skill to kill enemies and permanently buff our group.
Best Devastator Tank Class Tree
Here’s a look at the best Devastator tank class tree, which focuses on the Seismic Shifter path.
- Anomaly Power: Increase your anomaly power by 6%.
- Endless Tremors: Provides a 15% SEISMIC skill cooldown.
- Anomaly Reservoir: Increase your anomaly power by 6%.
- Paladin: Activating a Protection Skill increases Anomaly Power by 45% for five seconds.
- Perpetual Motion: Provides a 15% Kinetic skill cooldown.
- Anomaly Reservoir: Increase your anomaly power by 6%.
- Stone Circle: Increase the distance considered to be Close Range by 4m.
- Through the Mob: Increase Armor by 7% for each enemy in Close Range.
- Anomaly Bullets: Increase Firepower by 15% of your Anomaly Power.
- Endless Tremors: Provides a 15% SEISMIC skill cooldown.
- Anomaly Reservoir: Increase your anomaly power by 6%.
- Executioner: Increases damage by 20% against enemies below 30% health.
- Anomaly Reservoir: Increase your anomaly power by 6%.
- Bloodbath: Provides 30% Bleed damage.
- Blood Donation: You heal for 35% of the damage caused by Bleed.
- Rejuvenation: Increase your skill leech by 6%.
- Protected by the Anomaly: Increase Armor by 40% of your anomaly power.
- Skilled Sentry: When any skill ends, increase Armor and Resistance by 20% for ten seconds.
- Bloodbath: Provides 30% Bleed damage.
- Earth’s Heritage: Provides 50% SEISMIC skill damage.

Best Weapons, Armor, and Mods for the Devastator Tank Build
As far as Armor goes, you’ll want to try and hunt for the Seismic Commander’s Helmet. It’s a Legendary Armor, so there’s not much you can do in the way of farming it. It comes down to chance. But, if you can get your hands on this one, it’s a game-changer.
You can go with something like Golem’s Limb pump shotgun or the Absolute Zero assault rifle for weapons. Finding these comes down to luck, so in the meantime, focus on using a Light machinegun, Assault Rifle, or Shotgun with high close-range damage and life leech. You’re going to be getting up close and personal, so optimize for close-range damage when you can.
Reflect Bullets is going to be one of the most critical skills in our Devastator build. For that reason, go with mods like The Strongest First, Blood Primer, Auto Reflect, Bullet Acceleration, and Extra Time. Pumping up this skill to optimize damage and healing from Bleed will help you melt bosses quickly.Â
- More builds: Trickster, Pyromancer, Technomancer
Published: Apr 2, 2021 09:41 pm