New Pokemon Snap Elsewhere Forest Requests, Pokemon, and Map

New Pokemon Snap Elsewhere Forest Requests, Pokemon, and Map

This guide includes all you need to know about the Elsewhere Forest in New Pokemon Snap, including a list and walkthrough for all requests, all Pokemon in each research level, and a 100% map overview. The Elsewhere Forest is part of the Belusyla area, north of Founja Jungle. There are various seasons in this area, so it’s home to a ton of different Pokemon species.

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New Pokemon Snap Elsewhere Forest

How to Unlock Elsewhere Forest and Access Different Seasons

The Elsewhere Forest unlocks after hitting Research Level 2 in Fireflow Volcano. There are four different seasons in Elsewhere Forest:

  • Spring Route in Elsewhere Forest: Leave Espeon alone in the first zone.
  • Summer Route in Elsewhere Forest: Hit Espeon with an Illumina Orb while taking the regular path.
  • Winter Route in Elsewhere Forest: Take the right path by playing a Melody for Trevenant, and then scanning for the path. Hit Espeon with an Illumina Orb after it sits down and you will go to the winter season in Elsewhere Forest.
  • Autumn Route in Elsewhere Forest: Hit Espeon with a Fluffruit near the beginning of the level.

Elsewhere Forest Map

Elsewhere Forest Pokemon List

Research Level 1

Pokemon List - Bewear - New Pokemon Snap
Pokemon List - Bulbasaur - New Pokemon Snap
Pokemon List - Deerling - New Pokemon Snap
Pokemon List - Drampa - New Pokemon Snap
Pokemon List - Espurr - New Pokemon Snap
Pokemon List - Kecleon - New Pokemon Snap
Pokemon List - Lotad - New Pokemon Snap
Pokemon List - Magikarp - New Pokemon Snap
Pokemon List - Pancham - New Pokemon Snap
Pokemon List - Sawsbuck - New Pokemon Snap
Pokemon List - Shiftry - New Pokemon Snap
Pokemon List - Trevenant - New Pokemon Snap
Pokemon List - Unfezant - New Pokemon Snap

Research Level 2

Pokemon List - Bewear - New Pokemon Snap
Pokemon List - Bulbasaur - New Pokemon Snap
Pokemon List - Celebi - New Pokemon Snap
Pokemon List - Deerling - New Pokemon Snap
Pokemon List - Drampa - New Pokemon Snap
Pokemon List - Espurr - New Pokemon Snap
Pokemon List - Kecleon - New Pokemon Snap
Pokemon List - Lotad - New Pokemon Snap
Pokemon List - Pancham - New Pokemon Snap
Pokemon List - Sawsbuck - New Pokemon Snap
Pokemon List - Serperior - New Pokemon Snap
Pokemon List - Shiftry - New Pokemon Snap
Pokemon List - Trevenant - New Pokemon Snap
Pokemon List - Unfezant - New Pokemon Snap

Research Level 3

Pokemon List - Applin - New Pokemon Snap
Pokemon List - Bewear - New Pokemon Snap
Pokemon List - Bulbasaur - New Pokemon Snap
Pokemon List - Celebi - New Pokemon Snap
Pokemon List - Deerling - New Pokemon Snap
Pokemon List - Drampa - New Pokemon Snap
Pokemon List - Espeon - New Pokemon Snap
Pokemon List - Espurr - New Pokemon Snap
Pokemon List - Kecleon - New Pokemon Snap
Pokemon List - Lotad - New Pokemon Snap
Pokemon List - Pancham - New Pokemon Snap
Pokemon List - Sawsbuck - New Pokemon Snap
Pokemon List - Serperior - New Pokemon Snap
Pokemon List - Shiftry - New Pokemon Snap
Pokemon List - Trevenant - New Pokemon Snap
Pokemon List - Unfezant - New Pokemon Snap

Elsewhere Forest LenTalk Requests

There are 18 LenTalk requests in the Elsewhere Forest are of New Pokemon Snap.

  • A Calming Air
  • A Moment’s Rest
  • A Pair of Chums
  • A Seasonal Gathering
  • A Tad Happy
  • An Airborne Boulder
  • Angry Drampa
  • Danger Warning
  • Egg Patrol
  • Flickering Flames
  • Gust with Gusto
  • Heart of a Dragon
  • Little Lost Deerling
  • Myth of the Forest
  • Sylvan Sentinel’s Secret Side
  • Upside-Down Hide-and-Seek
  • Weird Crossing
  • Winter Wonders

A Calming Air

To complete A Calming Air, use a scan to get Espeon off the ledge on the left of the Spring area, and feed it a Fluffruit.

  • Research Level: 3
  • Pokemon: Espeon
  • Photo Rating: 4 Star
  • Reward: None
  • Guide:

A Moment’s Rest

To complete A Moment’s Rest, hit Serperior’s tail with an Illumina Orb to get it out in the open. Then, feed it a Fluffruit and then play a Melody to put it to sleep.

  • Research Level: 3
  • Pokemon: Serperior
  • Photo Rating: 4 Star
  • Reward: None
  • Guide: A Moment’s Rest

A Pair of Chums

To complete A Pair of Chums, take the path to the right near the start. At the end of that area, throw Illumina Orbs at Drampa, Bulbasaur, and Pancham. In the next zone, take the right path, and you should see Drampa with Bulbasaur and Pancham riding it.

A Seasonal Gathering

To complete A Seasonal Gathering, you need a picture of all the Sawsbuck gathering with Deerling.

  • Research Level: 3
  • Pokemon: Sawsbuck
  • Photo Rating: 4 Star
  • Reward: None
  • Guide:

A Tad Happy

To complete A Tad Happy, hit a Lotad with a Fluffruit and it will run to ther others. Then hit the others with Fluffruit and play a Melody. Take a picture of the stacked Lotads.

An Airborne Boulder

To complete An Airborne Boulder, scan to make the Trevenant move in the beginning of the level. Then, scan and take the path to the right. Take a picture of the three Espurr with the glowing rock.

Angry Drampa

To complete Angry Drampa, throw Illumina Orbs and Fluffruit at him after he gives Pancham and Bulbasaur a ride.

Danger Warning

To complete Danger Warning, take a picture of Bewear waving his arms. Throwing Fluffruit and playing a Melody makes Bewear wave its arms for a split second.

  • Research Level: 3
  • Pokemon: Bewear
  • Photo Rating: 3 Star
  • Reward: None
  • Guide:

Egg Patrol

To complete Egg Patrol, throw Fluffruit at the Unfezant sitting in the nest, and make sure its eggs are in the shot.

Flickering Flames

To complete Flickering Flames, play the Melody at the beginning and turn right. Hit Espeon with an Orb to activate the winter area. Hit Gardevoir with an Orb twice at both locations, and then feed a Deerling when it stops running. Interrupt the Deerling’s eating to get Ninetales to come down, and then get Ninetales angry with an Orb. Take a picture of Ninetales’ flames.

  • Research Level: 3
  • Pokemon: Ninetales
  • Photo Rating: 4 Star
  • Reward: Foggy Forest Profile Icon
  • Guide: Flickering Flames Guide
New Pokemon Snap Elsewhere Forest - Flickering Flames Request Complete

Gust with Gusto

To complete Gust with Gusto, get to Autumn level, and hit Shiftry with a Fluffruit on the tree. THen, hit Shiftry with an Orb on the third tree branch. Finally, activate the Crystabloom and immediately take a picture of its gust move.

Heart of a Dragon

To complete Heart of a Dragon, get to the Autumn level, and throw Fluffruit on your left. Applin looks like an ordinary apple, so you need to get the Deerling to think it’s one by tossing Fluffruit near it. Take a picture of Applin defending itself.

Little Lost Deerling

To complete Little Lost Deerling, you must activate a series of Crystablooms in the summer area, leading the Deerling to the end. There is one area where there are two Crystablooms, and you should not activate the front one.

Myth of the Forest

To complete Myth of the Forest, hit Celebi with an Illumina Orb and then feed it a Fluffruit. Hit the Crystabloom when the Celebi is sitting on the Ruins. When Celebi’s friends come, play a Melody and take a picture of the dancing Celebi.

New Pokemon Snap Elsewhere Forest Request Myth of the Forest Complete

Sylvan Sentinel’s Secret Side

To complete Sylvan Sentinel’s Secret Side, scan the Espurr in the beginning of the level to get it down. Then, make a path of Fluffruit leading to the Trevenant, and then Illumina Orb them both. Wait for Trevenant to pick up Espurr and take the picture.

Upside-Down Hide-and-Seek

To complete Upside-Down Hide-and-Seek, get to the area with the pink blossom trees, and look for the hanging Kecleon in the back right side.

Weird Crossing

To complete Weird Crossing, throw Illumina Orbs at both Bulbasaur and Lotad. Take a picture of the Bulbasaur riding the Lotad.

Winter Wonders

To complete Winter Wonders, Orb Gardevoir by the Deerling, and Orb it again after it teleports to the branch. Activate the Crystabloom and take some pictures of Gardevoir.

New Pokemon Snap Levels

FlorioFlorio Nature ParkPark (Day)
Park (Night)
Illumina Spot
Research CampResearch Camp
BelusylvaFounja JungleJungle (Day)
Jungle (Night)
Elsewhere ForestForest
Illumina Spot
MaricopiaBlushing BeachBeach (Day)
Beach (Night)
Maricopia ReefReef (Day)
Reef (Evening)
Lental SeafloorUndersea
Illumina Spot
VolucaSweltering SandsSands (Day)
Sands (Night)
Fireflow VolcanoVolcano
Illumina Spot
DuriceShiver SnowfieldsSnowfields (Day)
Snowfields (Night)
Outaway CaveCave
Illumina Spot
AurusRuins of RemembranceRuins
Illumina Spot
Image of Cole Andrews
Cole Andrews
Cole is a lifelong PC gamer who loves FPS, RPG, and MMO games. The first PC game that got him hooked was the Counter-Strike beta in 1999. He has thousands of hours in all of the old-school Blizzard games like Starcraft, Warcraft, and Diablo.