Who Founded the Village of Hogsmede? - Hogwarts Legacy - Sophronia asking question.
Image via Avalanche Software

Who Founded the Village of Hogsmede? – Hogwarts Legacy Answers

Oh yeah, that guy.

Who founded the Village of Hogsmede? Unless you’re one of the very few people who’ve studied the extended Wizarding World lore – you’ll have no idea, and that’s okay. Sophronia Franklin’s Hogwarts Legacy quizzes are difficult even for the most knowledgeable Witch or Wizard, so don’t be worrying if you don’t know the answers.

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Nobody wants knowledge to get in the way of some gameplay, though, which is why we’re answering the question of who founded the Village of Hogsmede for you. We’ll tell you the correct answer, and give you a bit of lore, to boot.

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Hogwarts Legacy – Who Founded the Village of Hogsmede?

Who Founded the Village of Hogsmede? - Hogwarts Legacy - Hogsmede Village.
Image via Avalanche Software

The correct answer to Sophronia asking who founded the Village of Hogsmede is Hengist of Woodcroft. Hengist was a Wizard born in 987. He was a Hufflepuff student that created Hogsmede after being driven from his original home by Muggles. Apparently, Hengist used the Three Broomsticks as his home in Hogsmede.

Answer Sophronia correctly, and she’ll move on to the rest of her round two questions. Once you finish those, you’ll have one more quiz round to get through. When you finish that third round, you’ll finally be done and be able to get your hands on some rewards.

For completing all three of Sophronia’s quizzes, you’ll receive:

  • 3 Wiggenweld Potions
  • 1 Edurus Potion
  • 1 Maxima Potion

That’s not exactly the most inspiring reward in the world, but keep in mind that you’ve learned more about the Wizarding World in those three quizzes than in every single class you’ve attended at Hogwarts.

For more Hogwarts Legacy tricks, quiz answers, combat tips, puzzle guides, and more – follow Gamer Journalist on Facebook. We’ll make sure you don’t miss out on anything Wizarding World.

Image of Matthew Wilson
Matthew Wilson
Matthew Wilson is currently the Managing Editor for Gamer Journalist. He's previously served as Managing Editor for the Lifestyle brand Outsider. Matthew has also worked for USA TODAY, Business Insider, Esquire, and Psychology Today. In his free time, he loves to travel and to play video games, two passions that fuel his work.