Resident Evil Village Lockpick Locations

Lockpicks are essential items you’ll need to pick various locks and discover much-needed loot to help you through your horrendous adventure. Whenever you encounter a locked chest, you’ll always be wondering where to find a nearby lockpick. Well, we got you covered. In this guide, we’ll show you the locations for all ten Resident Evil Village lockpicks in the entire game.

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There will likely be some spoilers in this article. However, if you’re searching for every lockpick in the game, that’s pretty much unavoidable. Anyway, continue below to get your answers.

Resident Evil Village Lockpick Locations

There are ten lockpicks in Resident Evil Village, found in the following locations:

  1. Kitchen hallway in Castle Dimitrescu.
  2. Attic in Castle Dimitrescu.
  3. Armory in Castle Dimitrescu.
  4. Outhouse in the Village.
  5. Between West Old Town and Workshop.
  6. Window sill near the Garden area.
  7. Well northwest of the General Area.
  8. Abandoned house on a windowsill.
  9. Underground Caves in Heisenberg Factory.
  10. Operating Room in Heisenberg Factory.

Kitchen hallway in Castle Dimitrescu

The first lockpick is in Castle Dimitrescu, in the hallway leading to the kitchen. Exit the west side of the kitchen, make a left and find the dresser near the right of the door. You should see the lockpick in that area.

Resident Evil Village Lockpick Locations - Castle Dimitrescu 1

Attic in Castle Dimitrescu

You will find the second lockpick in the attic of Castle Dimitrescu. Get to the ladders and head to the left. Make quick work of the zombie and head to the crates on the corner. You should see a lockpick on the boxes.

Armory in Castle Dimitrescu

The last lockpick in Castle Dimitrescu is in the Armory on a table. Look for the helmets in one of the darkened sections. You can’t miss it as long as you thoroughly look through the area.

Resident Evil Village Lockpick Locations - Castle Dimitrescu 3

Outhouse in the Village

Check for the sign that says “missing homeowner,” and then break through the gate using your knife. Check inside the outhouse for the lockpick, which is on the seat.

Resident Evil Village Lockpick Locations - Village Outhouse

Between West Old Town and Workshop

The next lockpick is inside of a well between West Old Town and The Workshop. The lockpick is inside the well bucket when you bring it up from the well.

Resident Evil Village Lockpick Locations - Well, Between West Old Town and Workshop

Windowsill near the Garden area

The next lockpick is in the building at the Garden area of the map. You can find a lockpick by a window inside the building, but be careful of nearby zombies.

Resident Evil Village Lockpick Locations - Garden Windowsill

Well northwest of the general area

Climb down into the well at the area shown on the map. You should find another lockpick in the puddle as soon as you descend down into the well.

Abandoned house on a windowsill

There’s an abandoned house in the area with a golden chest icon on the map. The lockpick is near the window inside the abandoned building.

Underground Caves in Heisenberg Factory

The next lockpick is in the underground cave system in the Heisenberg Factory. You should see some mining equipment down there, and the lockpick is in a metal cabinet.

Operating Room in Heisenberg Factory

The final lockpick is inside the factory’s operating room. When you make it to the room, go left, and you should see it sitting on a table. After collecting this one, you’ve found all the lockpicks in Resident Evil Village.

Image of Paul DeMarco
Paul DeMarco
Paul is a hardcore Call of Duty fan, but also enjoys a good survival battle royale game like Fortnite or PUBG. He's been a gamer since 2005 and doesn't plan to stop any time soon.