Puzzles have proven to be a big part of the Remnant: From the Ashes game. It’s an aspect of the game that provides a nice little break from killing mobs, crawling dungeons, and dying to difficult bosses.
The puzzles are actually pretty challenging for players who are not well versed in completing RPG puzzles. This is why we made a guide for Remnant: From the Ashes bell puzzle solutions.
Yaesha Bell Puzzle 1

Solution: this bell puzzle can be solved by hitting the bells in the following sequence: 3-4-5-3-2-1. The bell furthest to the left is “1”, and the bell furthest to the right is “5”. You can actually figure out the flute sequence by zooming into the guy playing the flute.
Ravager Bell Puzzle

Solution: the Ravager bell puzzle can be solved by hitting the bells in the following sequence: 5-1-5-1-2-3-4-1. Check the image below to see how the numbers correspond to the bells. Note: if you stand just under the third bell, you can pretty much hit all of them from one location.

Red Doe Bell Puzzle

Solution: to solve this puzzle, hit the bells in the following sequence: 5-4-3-3-4-1-2-3-2-1. Again, the bell furthest to the left is “1”, and the bell furthest to the right is “5”.
Swiftness Trait Bell Puzzle

Solution: the bells might look familiar. We can use the same bells as the previous puzzle to unlock the Swiftness skill trait. Hit the bells in the following sequence: 1-1-3-4-1-1-3-2 and you will be granted the new trait that increases movement speed.
Note: this sequence can be played on ANY of the bells in the game to unlock the Swiftness trait.
Published: Aug 26, 2019 07:17 pm