The Psycho Killer side job is given to you by Regina Jones. Your object will be to neutralize 17 cyberpsychos. The cyberpsychos are scattered all around the map, so here are all Psycho Killer Cyberpsycho Locations in Cyberpunk 2077.
Some of the fights are more difficult than others, so first here are a few tips to improve your odds.Â
- Load up on EMP grenades
- Load up on meds
- Equip the System Reset Cyberware
Getting the System Reset cyberware will make the majority of the fights a breeze. You can get a version of it at most of the ripper shops. As for fights themselves, almost all of them can be won by quickhacking a System Reset on the psycho and then finishing them in melee range. For the two psychos in power suits, you basically kite them around the area, taking shots and throwing grenades. Here are all of the locations.
Psycho Killer All Cyberpsycho Locations in Cyberpunk 2077
- Cyberpsycho Sighting: Bloody Ritual
- Cyberpsycho Sighting: Demons of War
- Cyberpsycho Sighting: Discount Doc
- Cyberpsycho Sighting: House on a Hill
- Cyberpsycho Sighting: Letter of the Law
- Cyberpsycho Sighting: Lex Talionis
- Cyberpsycho Sighting: Lt. Mower
- Cyberpsycho Sighting: On Deaf Ears
- Cyberpsycho Sighting: Seaside Cafe
- Cyberpsycho Sighting: Second Chances
- Cyberpsycho Sighting: Six Feet Under
- Cyberpsycho Sighting: Smoke on the Water
- Cyberpsycho Sighting: The Phantom of Night City
- Cyberpsycho Sighting: The Wasteland
- Cyberpsycho Sighting: Ticket of The Major Leagues
- Cyberpsycho Sighting: Under the Bridge
- Cyberpsycho Sighting: Where The Bodies Hit the Floor
Cyberpsycho Sighting: Bloody Ritual
The Bloody Ritual Cyberpsycho Sighting is located in the center of Northside, Watson. When you enter the sighting spot it will have bodies riddled around the area, search the bodies to find a shard. Decrypt the shard by playing the breach protocol minigame and then search the rest of the area for more clues. The Cyberpsycho will appear out of the middle tub. Dispatch the psycho and give Regina a call.
Cyberpsycho Sighting: Demons of War
Cyberpsycho Sighting Demons of War is located in the northeastern part of Kabuki, Watson. Head to the sighting location which is on a bridge underpass. This psycho is easily dispatched if you engage in a sniper battle with him. Take him out and search the area. You will find a container on the left with a computer inside. Check the computer messages and then message Regina with the information.
Cyberpsycho Sighting: Discount Doc
The Discount Doc Cyberpsycho Sighting is located in the center of Rancho Coronado, Santo Domingo. For this sighting, you will need to neutralize Chase Coley. Chase is in a power suit so he is a bit difficult. Our suggestion would be to get on top of the garbage and take him out from above. It makes the fight much easier. Take out Chase and then search the body of the attacker he was fighting at the start. After that head into the garage and read the messages on the computer.
Cyberpsycho Sighting: House on a Hill
The House on a Hill Cyberpunk Sighting can be found in the Badlands south of the trailer park. Head to the location and enter the property. You can quickhack the turrets on the roof and the drones if you like but it wasn’t necessary for our run. Russell is inside the garage, open the door and deal with him. After that’s done search the corpse outside of the garbage and message Regina.
Cyberpsycho Sighting: Letter of the Law
The Letter of the Law Cyberpsycho Sighting is in the bottom right corner of Wellsprings, Heywood. When you enter the location it will be riddled with laser mines. You can disarm them or just blow them all up before you start your fight. Takeout the cyberpsycho Gaston and then find the computer next to the garage door. Read the message and message Regina to complete.
Cyberpsycho Sighting: Lex Talionis
Cyberpsycho Sighting: Lex Talionis is located in Coastview, Pacifica. Enter through the garage door to the sighting area. You will find Ben DeBaillion in the back, defeat him and then find the laptop on the desk. Read the message and report back to Regina.
Cyberpsycho Sighting: Lt. Mower
The Lt. Mower Cyberpsycho Sighting is in the center of Kabuki, Watson. This one is very straightforward, find Lt. Mower from our marker and fight her. She is pretty fast but we were very easily able to defeat her with a katana. After you win the fight loot her body completely and report back to Regina.
Cyberpsycho Sighting: On Deaf Ears
The On Deaf Ears Cyberpsycho Sighting can be found in center Down Town, City Center. Head down the parking garage to find the Cyberpsycho. The fight with Cedric Muller is pretty easy. Take him out and then find the chest next to the shopping cart. It has a Beastmode cyberwar in it and also a shard. Read the shard and then report back to Regina.
Cyberpsycho Sighting: Seaside Cafe
The Seaside Cafe Cyberpsycho Sighting is located on the southern tip of Wellsprings, Heywood. Head to the edge of the short peer and jump down to engage with the cyberpsycho Dao Hyunh. She is pretty quick so we found it easier to use melee weapons on her. Go back to the peer and jump down to the beach. You will find two bodies there, loot them, and message Regina.
Cyberpsycho Sighting: Second Chances
The Second Chances Cyberpsycho Sighting can be found at the far eastern outskirts of the Badlands. Head to the location where you will find a bunch of corpses and a nomad vehicle. Scan the area and you will find tire tracks, follow them. You will come across a corpse next to a campfire, loot him, then keep following the tracks to the cyberpsycho perched up in a wind turbine. You can fight him long range with a sniper rifle or get in close, but be careful because there are mines scattered around the area and also laser trip mines on the ladder leading up to him. Defeat the cyberpsycho, read the shard found on his body, and message Regina.
Cyberpsycho Sighting: Six Feet Under
The Six Feet Under Cyberpsycho Sighting is located in the center of Northside, Watson. This is a simple one, go to the location and defeat the cyberpsycho. We were able to easily take him out with a few melee hits. Once you defeated the psycho, loot his corpse and read the shard you find. Report back to Regina when you’re done.
Cyberpsycho Sighting: Smoke on the Water
The Smoke on the Water Cyberpsycho Sighting is located at the top right section of Coast View, Pacifica. You can find the cyberpsycho is at the end of the long pier. Fight, defeat, and loot the psycho then turn around and head back up the pier. About halfway up the pier, you will find a body next to a full shopping cart. Loot this body and report back to Regina.
Cyberpsycho Sighting: The Phantom of Night City
The Phantom of Night City Cyberpsycho Sighting is located at the Corpo Plaza, City Center. Head to the location and down the ally. Before you start your fight with the Cyberpsycho you can loot the crate on the right side which has some Legendary Mantis Blades in it. Defeat the Cyberpsycho, loot his body, and then message Regina.
Cyberpsycho Sighting: The Wasteland
The Wasteland Cyberpsycho Sighting is located in the southwestern corner of the Badlands. This one is a bit challenging, first head to the location and scan the ground until you find a blood trail. Follow the blood trail to the cyberpsycho, Euralia Alma. Alma is in a power suit and his shots hurt so you will have to kite him around the area taking potshots. After you finish him, loot his body and read the shard. Then report back to Regina.
Cyberpsycho Sighting: Ticket of The Major Leagues
The Ticket of the Major Leagues Cyberpsycho sighting can be found in the southwestern side of Little China, Watson. This one is very straightforward head the location, the cyberpsycho is in the back of the complex. Defeat the Cyberpsycho and loot his body, then message Regina.
Cyberpsycho Sighting: Under the Bridge
The Under the Bridge Cyberpsycho Sighting is found in the center of Arroyo, Santo Domingo. This cyberpsycho sighting is a bit tougher than the other ones. Go to the location under the bridge and encounter the psycho. There will be two big turrets that drop down, quickhack those to disable them, and then focus on the psycho. This cyberpsycho is a netrunner, so from time to time she will hide and try to hack you. Whenever she hides chase her down and melee her. Once you finished the fight loot all the bodies in the area and then find the container that’s missing a wall. There is a shard in there, pick it up and message Regina.
Cyberpsycho Sighting: Where The Bodies Hit the Floor
Where the Bodies Hit the Floor Cyberpsycho Sighting is located in the southwestern corner of Northside, Watson. For this one head into the ally and start the fight with the Cyberpsycho. We used a katana to quickly defeat him. After the psycho is down there is a shard next to one of the body, pick it up and message Regina.
Complete the Psycho Killer Side Job
After you have completed all 17 of the Cyberpsycho encounters you will have to wait sometime for Regina to contact you again. Typically you will have to wait about a day and then Regina will call. Head over to her apartment and speak with her to complete the Psycho Killer job.

Published: Dec 22, 2020 08:16 pm