Alan Wake 2 is a story that makes you think you’re going in a loop until you realize it’s actually a spiral. We’re going to open the door and take a look at the most fun chapters in Alan Wake 2.
It should go without saying, but there’s going to be a decent amount of spoilers in this article. We’ll be covering 10 chapters that will make you wish the game never ended. Furthermore, the list is ranked in no particular order, and each chapter is unique in its entertainment. So, let’s start out with the very first chapter of the game.
Most Fun Alan Wake 2 Chapters Listed
Return 0 — The Cult

Our first chapter on the list is, coincidentally, the very first part you’ll play in Alan Wake 2. Titled “The Cult,” players will assume the role of a very random and very naked character for this chapter. What happens during this chapter surprisingly has significant ramifications throughout the course of the game. And once you’re done with the entire game, looking back on this chapter will feel like peering into an abyss you know is coming, but you cannot stop. Plus, who doesn’t find it funny to be a random dude walking around the woods with his dingaling hanging out?
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Initiation 1 — Talk Show

Our first Alan Wake chapter in the game is arguably one of the best ones. This is primarily due to the fact that this is the first time we will see Mr. Door, who has been a contentious character since before Alan Wake 2. What’s more, this chapter is the first one to truly make you understand as the player how trapped Alan has been these last 13 years. He’s found himself in what he believes to be a loop, and it’s up to you to help him find his way out of it.
Return 3 — Local Girl

Moving on to the next fun stop is the third chapter of Saga’s story, “Local Girl.” This is where the game really starts to lean into its survival horror aspect. You’ll be tasked with exploring a new area around Bright Falls, accompanied by its very own coffee-themed amusement park, right next to the trailer parks. That being said, this chapter is also where we start to see Alan’s story manifest in the real world. This can be seen by many of the townsfolk believing Saga had lived there with her daughter before the “accident.” We must figure out why this is happening and fast before the story takes over entirely.
Initiation 4 — We Sing

Now for some, this is arguably one of the most fun chapters in Alan Wake 2. In chapter 4 of Initiation, players are treated to a truly exquisite musical number. From Mr Door, Alex Casey, and the Old Gods to even Alan himself, this entire chapter is treated as an interactable musical. What’s more, players will get to fight against enemies while the actors are playing out fantastic real-life choreographed numbers.
There isn’t much to be said that isn’t shown off in this chapter, and we recommend you play through this chapter in one sitting. It’s also an added bonus that the combat in this chapter is accentuated by the amount of ammo and resources you get.
Return 5 — Old Gods

Chapter 5 of Return is where the game really starts to progress further, leading you down the steps of finality. Tasked with meeting up with Tor and Odin at their nursing home, you must figure out what happened to them and where to find them.
If you didn’t realize it when you played it yourself, the old folks home in the game, named Valhalla, is actually Alan’s house from the first game. This can bring a lot of great and interesting points of interest to fans of the series. You can even find the door to Alan’s fabled writer’s room on the third floor, right before Ahti warns you not to enter. And it won’t be a part of Saga’s story if there’s not an overlap to find towards the end.
Return 6 — Scratch

Taking place right after you get done at the old folks home, Return 6 tasks Saga with locating Alan Wake at the police department and handing him The Clicker. All this goes horribly wrong, as you find out that Scratch has been inside Wake since we found him on the beach. What’s more, we finally reunited with our partner Alex Casey as well as learned more info about the FBC from one of their agents we met earlier. This is the part of the story where the normal townsfolk start wondering if they should travel and visit relatives for a while.
Return 7 — Summoning

We’ve gone ahead and added a lot of the ending chapters of Return to this list. Primarily due to the fact that Saga’s story takes place in the real world, there are a lot of implications for other characters in her story. Summoning is the culmination of everything Saga has done in the game. She recruits Tor, Odin, Alex Casey, and Agent Estevez in order to save Alan Wake from the Dark Place. What the players get is a massive horde fight with the resource help of Casey and Estevez and the musical power of The Old Gods. I truly think it’s one of the best large-scale endings of a game and brings everything to a peak.
Initiation 8 — Zane’s Film

Our last Initiation chapter for our list is all about Zane’s Film. We learn about the machinations of Alex Casey while investigating a murder scene at a film theatre. But honestly, even though the beginning of the chapter is amazing and crazy, I believe what makes this chapter enjoyable is the secret film you can watch.
Once you wrap up the chapter and start to leave the theatre, you’ll notice a movie starting on the screen. This film is none other than the infamous Thomas Zane movie, “Yötön Yö,” and players are free to watch the whole thing right there. Thankfully, if you want, the game saves the entire movie in your collectibles section of the mind place, so you can always come back and watch it later. This secret movie alone is enough to put this chapter on the list of the most fun chapters in Alan Wake 2.
Return 8 — Deerfest

As we get to the end of the list, the chapter will tend to get a bit shorter. However, that doesn’t mean they aren’t equally as good as other chapters. A case and point is the second to last chapter of the game, “Deerfest.” Alan is finally brought back into the real world, but his work is not done. You need to reach Alan’s writing room in order to rewrite the ending of his book “Return.” However, Alan doesn’t even know what the ending of his own book is (thanks to Mr. Scratch).
But once we locate a copy of the book, the seemingly calm and happy townsfolk, all wearing deer masks, turn to violence. You now have to run as fast as you can (which for Alan isn’t fast) in order to escape the deadly horde of townspeople. You’d think they would have a bingo game of some sort to go to at this hour.
Return 9 — Come Home

If it isn’t already apparent, the narrative and story of Alan Wake 2 can make or break a chapter in this game. And thankfully, the end of the game strikes true narrative-wise, even though the gameplay starts to fade away. This might not be the best if you wanted a big large Dark Presence monster boss fight, but the story payoff is truly something to behold. We won’t talk about what happens at the end, but just make sure to strap yourself in. This last chapter is truly a mind-boggling finale.
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Published: Nov 7, 2023 01:37 pm