Lost Ark Gunslinger Build

Lost Ark Gunslinger Build (April 2025)

The best Lost Ark Gunslinger build for PvE content and boss fights

Overall, the Gunslinger is the most mobile class in the game and the highest damage dealer among all others. It ranks in the number one spot in our Lost Ark tier list. It’s also a tough class to master, as it has a fairly high skill cap when you reach the endgame. If it’s your first time around the block, you probably want the best Lost Ark Gunslinger build to keep you competitive with the group.

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In this build, we break down all three stances, providing all of the skills you should be using in your action bar. We’ll also explain where you should distribute your Combat Skill Points so you get the most out of your damage-dealing abilities. You can bookmark the Lost Ark Gunslinger build below, as we’ll be adding on to the list with some more options in the near future.

Best Lost Ark Gunslinger Build

The Peacemaker Gunslinger Raid build in Lost Ark is designed to use all three stances fluently. Handgun Stance will be the source of buffs/debuffs, while Shotgun and Rifle Stances will be doing a bulk of the damage. It is important to swap back to Handgun Stance to apply Weakness and Crit buffs to keep them up as much as possible. You might consider binding your stance swap to a side mouse button to make rotations easier.

Handgun Stance

  • Spiral Tracker (Weakness Expose)
  • Quick Step (Excellent Mobility)
  • Plasma Bullet
  • Somersault Shot
  • Dexterous Shot (Weakness Exposure)
  • Equilibrium (Weakness Exposure)
  • Death Fire
  • Peacekeeper (Excellent Mobility)
  • Bullet Rain

Shotgun Stance

  • Shotgun Rapid Fire (In a Tight Spot, Enhanced Shot, Special Bullet)
  • Last Request (Quick Prep, Execution)
  • Dual Buckshot (In a Tight Spot, Enhanced Fire)
  • Sharpshooter (Special Bullet, In a Tight Spot)

Rifle Stance

  • Target Down (Quick Aim, Large Magazine, Steady Aim)
  • Perfect Shot (Stable Stance, Kill Confirmation, Enhanced Shot)
  • Focused Shot (Quick Aim, Double Tap, Final Strike/Quick Finish)
  • Spiral Flame

Gunslinger Skill Rotation

Here’s the general rotation you should be using for this Gunslinger build during boss fights.

  1. Spiral Tracker
  2. Dexterous Shot
  3. Shotgun Skills
  4. Spiral Tracker
  5. Dexterous Shot
  6. Rifle Skills

It is important to always keep your Handgun Stance skills on cooldown. Open with Spiral Tracker to apply Weakness Exposure, and Dexterous Shot will do the same and provide a Crit buff. When you get enough combat skill points, you can also use Equilibrium to apply this as well. After the debuffs and buffs are applied, you will switch to your Shotgun Stance and go through your rotation. Switch back to the Handgun Stance, reapply all debuffs and buffs, and then do the same in Rifle Stance. Rinse and repeat.

Gunslinger Stat Priority

The Gunslinger stat priority in the order of most important to least important is as follows:

  1. Crit+Spec
  2. Crit+Swift
  3. Spec+Swift
  4. Crit
  5. Spec
  6. Swift
  7. Everything else

That’s our version of the number one best Gunslinger build in Lost Ark. If you disagree with specific point distributions, you can feel free to tweak it to your liking and experiment to make it better. That’s what Lost Ark is all about!

Image of Paul DeMarco
Paul DeMarco
Paul is a hardcore Call of Duty fan, but also enjoys a good survival battle royale game like Fortnite or PUBG. He's been a gamer since 2005 and doesn't plan to stop any time soon.