If you love playing survival and horror games on Roblox, then you need to check out Spider! Spider is a terrifying horror game in which a handful of players must escape the evil clutches of a giant spider monster. One player gets to play as the spider and must hunt down all of the survivors to win, and the rest of the players must play as the survivors who are trying to escape.
Winning as a survivor is arguably much harder to do than winning as the spider, but that doesn’t mean that beating the game as the spider is easy. For example, the spider is outnumbered in every match, it can’t hold objects, and is much slower than any of the survivors. If you’ve been having trouble tracking down your prey as the spider, then you definitely need to keep reading to find out the best way to win as the spider in Roblox Spider!
How to Win as the Spider in Roblox Spider
Winning as the spider is a lot easier than winning as a survivor, though it does come with its challenges. Thankfully, these challenges can easily be overcome with simple solutions. For example, the spider is much slower than the survivors, but if you utilize your Web Traps, speed won’t even matter! Here are the best tips for winning as the spider in Roblox Spider:
Web Traps

Web Traps are easily some of the most important tools that the spider has at its disposal. You only get 8 Web Traps per match, but if you use them wisely, they’ll be more than enough to get the job done. One of the best ways to utilize these traps is by putting them in areas with high foot traffic, especially at exits and entrances.
For example, some of the best places to set your traps would be at the entrance to the bunker, both of the doors at the back of the house, or on the staircase. As long as you stick close to the areas you laid your traps and remain out of sight, you’ll have every survivor captured in no time! Another good tactic to utilize is chasing the survivors into your traps; most of the time, the survivors are too busy panicking to notice when they’re about to run into a trap (at least, not until it’s already too late). Once they’re stuck, all you’ve got to do is eat!
Slow and Steady Wins the Race

Most players who are chosen to play as the spider make one big mistake every match: they chase the survivors all around the house right off the bat. As I mentioned before, the spider is much slower and bulkier than the survivors, so outright chasing them rarely leads to good results (unless you’re chasing them into a trap).
Instead of playing lethal tag with the survivors right off the bat, try laying down some strategically placed traps in the first minute or so of the match. Place a few traps down at some of the exits/entrances of the house and wait patiently just out of sight; once a survivor runs into one by accident, you can jump out and grab them! You can also lay a trap or two down at the entrance to the bunker and the entrance to the shed prior to them being opened. If the survivors want to make any progress at all, they’ll be forced to walk into them!
Keep Tabs on Escape Progress

Another big mistake that spider players make is not paying attention to how much progress the survivors are making. There is a specific sequence that must be followed by the survivors in order to escape, and if you keep track of that sequence, you’ll have a much better idea of how much time you have left to capture them all. For example, if the bunker has been blown open and the battery has been used to power the generator in the shed, you won’t have much time left to hunt down the survivors before they win.
You’ll also want to make sure to be aware of the Bug Spray. The Bug Spray is an item that can be obtained by the survivors that will stun the spider for 20 seconds; it has a 1:20 minute cooldown period in-between sprays, but you definitely don’t want to be sprayed with this stuff when you don’t have much time left to grab your victims. The Bug Spray is located in the Orange Safe in the house, which is opened with the Orange Key. If you see a player running around with an Orange Key, make sure to stop them before they can get to the Bug Spray!
Related: How to Escape in Roblox Spider
Whether you’re playing as a survivor or as the spider, winning in Roblox Spider isn’t easy. Not all survival games in Roblox are difficult, but Spider is definitely an outlier. If you want to play more survival games on Roblox but aren’t sure where to start, check out Gamer Journalist’s recommendation list of all of the best Roblox survival games!
Published: Jan 20, 2023 04:49 pm