If you’re looking to unlock ‘The Ends Pertrify the Means’ achievement in Hogwarts Legacy — you’re going to have to get your hands dirty. This achievement is tied directly to stealth combat, so if that’s not your thing, you might be in for a bad time.
Not to worry, though — we’re here to help. We’re going to explain how you can unlock ‘The Ends Petrify the Means’ easily, even if you’re not the greatest at Hogwarts Legacy’s stealth gameplay.
Hogwarts Legacy — How to Unlock ‘The Ends Petrify the Means’

To unlock ‘The Ends Petrify the Means’ achievement in Hogwarts Legacy, you need to cast Petrificus Totalus on a total of 50 enemies. Petrificus Totalus is the spell you can cast on enemies to one-shot them while you’re in stealth.
To cast Petrificus Totalus, use Disillusionment to conceal yourself. Then, sneak up on an enemy without being spotted. Once you’re next to them, you’ll get a prompt with a button, as well as the word Petrificus Totalus itself. This is how you know you’re within casting range.
Hit the button on your screen, and you’ll cast the spell on your target. This will instantly kill them without breaking your stealth. You need to do this to 50 enemies to unlock ‘The Ends Petrify the Means’.
You’ll likely get this throughout the course of your playthrough, even if you only dabble in stealth a little bit. If you don’t, though, hop on your broom and head toward the Forbidden Forest. While you’re in the air, cast Revelio to highlight all the nearby points of interest. Fly towards any camps you see, and use them to farm stealth kills.
Do that, and you’ll have ‘The Ends Petrify the Means’ in no time.
Related: Best Dark Arts Talents to Choose in Hogwarts Legacy
One Tip to Make Getting ‘The Ends Petrify the Means’ Easier

Stealth gameplay isn’t for everybody — even in Hogwarts Legacy. If you’re struggling to sneak up on enemies, there’s one tip you need to be taking advantage of to get ‘The Ends Petrify the Means’ achievement.
In Hogwarts Legacy, if you’re in stealth and cast a spell near an enemy, they’ll go to investigate. There’s no limit on this, so if you’re accurate enough with your wand, you can pretty much determine where you want any enemy at any given time.
When you’re sneaking, if there’s a particularly irritating enemy looking right at you, just cast on the wall behind them. They’ll turn around, allowing you to sneak past, or up on them, without any issues.
Take that little tip into consideration, and you’ll unlock ‘The Ends Petrify the Means’ achievement in Hogwarts Legacy in no time. For more nuggets of knowledge like this, follow Gamer Journalist on Facebook. We’ll keep you up to date on all things Hogwarts Legacy.
Published: Feb 14, 2023 11:16 am