For the Digging Up the Past quest, you’ll need to find a partially broken Spiderbot and navigate it out of a locked-down room. At this point, you’ve already located the Spiderbot at the upstairs lab location. Now, you can hack it through the window to gain control of it. Here’s how to navigate the Spiderbot out of the Secure Room in Watch Dogs: Legion.
How to navigate the Spiderbot out of the Secure Room in Watch Dogs Legion
After hijacking the damaged Spiderbot, it will electrocute the engineer working on it. Jump across to the table on the right, and then jump to the table just beneath the window entrance. Make your way through the hole in the window and into the next room.

In this room, there are two levers you can use to raise and lower a window hatch. Put both of them in the raised position, and jump up onto the first one. Now, jump to the second glass table, which contains a gas mask inside of it. Raise the hatch and use it to jump onto the vent on the wall. If you didn’t know about the vent there, you might have got stuck in this room. Jump up from the vent and make your way across the grates and past the fans.

Next, hop onto the yellow pipes and make your way into the next vent. Open the vent by interacting with it and make your way through. Hop over the larger yellow pipe and to the far wall. Make a right, jump on the smaller yellow pipes, and then onto the air ducts to make your way into the next room.
There’s another vent in the next room, which you can follow to the exit. The rest of the puzzle is straightforward and contains a few more vent paths. After you make your escape, it’s time to get your operative out of there. That’s how to navigate the Spiderbot out of the Secure Room in Watch Dogs: Legion.
Published: Oct 29, 2020 07:43 am