Enemy in System Shock Remake
Image via Nightdive Studios

How to Get Safety Override Code and Lower Security in System Shock Remake

Save Earth!

Nightdive Studios is a small team of developers that are dedicated to bringing this classic game back to life. The System Shock remake is undoubtedly every bit as good, if not even better than the original game! Whether you’re a long-time fan of the franchise or are just now experiencing the magic of System Shock for the very first time, you’ll definitely want to get your hands on a copy of the new System Shock remake as soon as possible!

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The remade version of System Shock may look a bit different than the original, but it has all of the same familiar features and puzzles from the original game. One of the most difficult puzzles in System Shock is by far trying to figure out how to stop the mining laser from hitting Earth. In order to do so, players must figure out how to get the safety override code and lower the security in time. If you’d like to figure out how to save Earth from a fate worse than death in System Shock, then just keep reading!

How to Get Safety Override Code and Lower Security in System Shock Remake

Getting the safety override code in System Shock is one of the most important things that players must do in the game. Without the override code, the mining laser can’t be stopped from wiping out all life on Earth! If you’re stuck on figuring out how to get the code and lower security, just read on.

The safety override code is easier to get a hold of than you think, though it isn’t without its challenges. The safety override code is safely nestled within the Library, which is located on the Research floor.

The code will be locked behind a Cybersecurity Terminal in the Library, which won’t be remotely accessible until you restore the power to the entire Beta Quadrant. To restore the power, you’ll need to pull the power lever located in Alpha, and then make your way back.

On your way back to the Beta Quadrant through the Central Hub, head to Admin Security. In Admin Security, you should find the Science Access Keycard, which will grant you complete access to the Library. Once you’ve got the keycard, head straight to the Library.

Enemies in System Shock Remake
Image via Nightdive Studios

Getting the code is a pretty straightforward process once you’re in the Library. All you have to do is enter the Cybersecurity Terminal and start fighting your way through the computer. Once you find yourself in front of the central chamber (you’ll know it when you see it, it glows green), just smash the crap out of it and you’ll be rewarded with the safety override code.

Once you’ve got the code, all you have to do is get the hell out of dodge (Cyberspace) and back to the Library. Prior to exiting the Library, be sure to check for the three-digit code on the side of the Cyberspace Terminal, which will be the safety override code.

How to Use the Safety Override Code in System Shock Remake

Having the safety override code in System Shock is great and all, but it won’t do you much good if you don’t know how to use it. Surprisingly, using the safety override code isn’t much easier than obtaining it.

After you’ve gone through the process of getting the override code, head to the elevator in the Gamma Quadrant to get to the Reactor floor. Once you step out of the elevator (and have successfully reached the Reactor Floor), turn to the right and look for a locked medical door.

Unlock the medical door with the Medical Access Keycard and turn to the right. You should come across a Cybersecurity door, which you’ll need to enter to unlock both the Reactor Armory and the Northern Blast Door.

Related: How Long is the System Shock Remake?

Once that’s done, head back to the medical room (the one you unlocked with the keycard) and then turn right. When you come to another intersection, turn left and continue until you come across the energy replenisher.

Explosion in System Shock Remake
Image via Nightdive Studios

Keep going straight until you come to the Experimental Door and then turn left. After continuing along that path, turn left at the next opportunity and you should see a door with an obvious yellow reactor sign above it. Go through this door.

Continue along a straight path to the door at the end and annihilate all enemies that you come across in the process. From there, make a right turn and you should see a safety override sign. Take the elevator next to the sign down and then turn right where you should see another safety override sign next to another elevator.

Take the elevator up and you will finally be in the correct place. You should find yourself standing in front of a terminal, where you’ll need to input the three-digit safety override code that you got from the terminal in the Library. After you’ve input the code, you will have successfully stopped the laser!

. System Shock was already a hell of a game when it came out, but it’s been made even better thanks to Nightdive Studios!

If you’d like to check out some other awesome remakes of old games, then feel free to take a peek at some of Gamer Journalist’s guides for the Dead Space remake and the Resident Evil 4 remake, like “Should you get the dead space remake for pc or ps5?” or “Should I Get the Resident Evil 4 Remake on PS5 or Xbox Series X? Answered“!

Image of Allysen Pierce
Allysen Pierce
Allysen Pierce is a freelance writer with a passion for gaming who has been a part of the Gamer Journalist team since May 2022. Her main passions are horror games and dating sims (especially combinations of the two), but she has been known to play literally anything that is put in front of her. Her current favorite games include Skyrim, I Was a Teenage Exocolonist, Cult of the Lamb, Slaughter Horse, and Dragon Age: Inquisition. When she's not playing games (or writing about them), she can be found reading, baking, watching horror movies, or playing with her cat.