Image via Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc.

How To Fix PS5 LAN Cable Disconnected Error

Have you tried booting it is Safe Mode?

Have you ever experienced an issue where, while playing on your PlayStation 5 or just after turning it on, you see a message saying “LAN Cable Disconnected” followed by “LAN Cable Connected” on your PS5 repeatedly? That’s called the PS5 LAN Cable Disconnected error.

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Unlike what most would quickly assume, this error is not solely caused by a faulty LAN cable. It could be a software problem that could be fixed using a simple method involving a few steps.

Fixing the PS5 LAN Cable Disconnected error using software updates

As mentioned, it could be caused by a software issue that could be fixed by updating your PS5’s software in Safe Mode. Here’s how to do that:

  1. First, turn off your PS5 by pressing the power button in front of the console. The power indicator will blink a few times to indicate that it is already turned off.
  2. Second, press and hold the power button until you hear two beeps—the second beep will follow about seven seconds after the first beep. This indicates that the PS5 is running in Safe Mode.
  3. Third, connect the PS5 controller using the USB Cable, then press the PS Button once instructed.
  4. Fourth, once the Safe Mode menu appears, go to Update System Software and click on Update Using Internet.
  5. Fifth, click on Update once a message telling you the system will be updated appears.
  6. Lastly, wait for the system to finish updating itself, then restart when done.

This method has solved the problem for many users, but if the error still persists, don’t worry—there are other things you can do to fix the issue.

Fixing the PS5 LAN Cable Disconnected error by rebuilding database

If the method above doesn’t work, you can try rebuilding the PS5’s database. This has worked for many users. Here’s how:

  1. First, repeat steps one through three above to put your PS5 in Safe Mode.
  2. Next, once the Safe Mode menu appears, go to Clear Cache and Rebuild Database. (You might sometimes find Rebuild Database only—click on that)
  3. Then, click on Rebuild Database, and let your PS5 finish the process.
  4. Lastly, if you have the Clear System Software Cache option, click on it so that your PS5 can delete the system files that caused the error.

Fixing the PS5 LAN Cable Disconnected error by restoring default settings

If you have done the steps above and the error continues to persist, you might need to restore your PS5’s default settings. Here’s how:

  1. First, repeat steps one through three above to put your PS5 in Safe Mode.
  2. Next, once the Safe Mode menu appears, select Restore Default Settings.
  3. Lastly, let your PS5 complete the process, then try using the console normally.

If the problem continues and the messages start appearing again, you might need to work on your router instead.

Fixing the PS5 LAN Cable Disconnected error by Restarting the Network Router

Interruptions in the transmission of data from the router to the PS5 can cause the PS5 LAN Cable Disconnected messages to appear. This can be remedied by restarting your router and connecting it to your PS5 again. If that doesn’t work, you need to power cycle your router. Here’s how:

  1. First, turn your router off.
  2. Next, with the router turned off, unplug it from the wall outlet, wait for about 1 minute, then plug it back in.
  3. Lastly, turn your router on and connect it to your PS5 again.

After doing all of the above steps, you should power cycle your PS5 console as well. This involves turning off the console, unplugging it, and turning it on again.

What do I do if none of the above steps work?

These steps above should solve the problem and stop the error messages from showing on your screen again. If the issue still persists at this point, it could very well be a hardware issue. In that case, try the following troubleshooting steps:

  • Make sure that the LAN cable is connected to your router and your PS5 properly. A loose connection can cause the issue.
  • Make sure that you are using the correct LAN cable on your PS5—a good quality CAT7 or IBRA CAT8 cable might be what you need as they will fit your PS5’s LAN port properly.
  • If the LAN cable is connected properly on both your PS5 and router but the issue persists, try switching to another LAN port on your router.
  • If the LAN cable is connected properly, and the issue still persists even after you try using different LAN ports, you need to use a new LAN cable.

If none of these methods and fixes work and your PS5 is still under warranty, contact Sony for a fix or a replacement.

For more information/guides on the PS5 and related games, check out the Best Headsets to buy for PS5, as well as the Best Games to play on the console.
