The all-new DLC content for Studio MDHR’s hit title, Cuphead; Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course does a fantastic job at upping the difficulty curve. Though it’s definitely a bit harder than the standard game, The Delicious Last Course simultaneously implements new and exciting moments into the perfect gameplay that made the original so beloved. One of the first stages that players can enter is the first of many battles called, The King’s Leap Challenges. Today we’ll explain how to complete the first King’s Leap Challenge so you can move on to the next one.
How to Complete The First King’s Leap Challenge In Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course

As the first King’s Leap Challenge is one of the first available stages to take part in during The Delicious Last Course, all you need to do is head to the bottom-left part of the map and look out for the hanging rope ladder. Interacting with it will allow you to go to the King’s castle in the clouds. From there, speak to him and he’ll let you go up against his Pawns in the first challenge.
This challenge is quite simple but can also be very difficult. The main goal is to parry each Pawn after they drop from above. This is easier said than done because even after successfully parrying each one, they can still run a muck, making it difficult for you to parry the rest of them. There will be a bunch of moments where you’ll have to duck and dodge these already parried Pawns whilst trying to get the last few before succumbing to their attacks.

I found the best strategy to be utilizing the Astral Cookie Charm and playing as Ms. Chalice. Though you can play as Cuphead/Mugman, Ms. Chalice’s parrying is much smoother for this stage and causes less concern as you don’t have to jump in order to parry. Her clean dash also makes it easy to get out of the way when an already parried pawn wants to take a hit. It’s worth noting that this is the only charm that you’re allowed to use and weapons are totally banned.
It becomes a sort of dance, ducking and dodging these Pawns. So just take your time. There’s no timer or anything like that, as it really just comes down to patience and being aware of when the Pawns are jumping down. Whether it’d be the ones you need to parry or if they’re ones that are going to get in your way, don’t let them get the better of you. Once you’ve completed it, you’ll be awarded a coin or two and be sent on your way. There are many other King’s Leap Challenges around the island, each boasting a new chess-centric boss to fight.
That’s all there is to it when it comes to completing the first king’s Leap Challenge. Though it’s not a complex battle, it’s definitely one that proves that The Delicious Last Course is not one to be trifled with. But now you know how to beat the first King’s leap Challenge, so go out there are do it!
Related: How to Beat the Last Boss in Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course
Published: Jul 6, 2022 11:29 am