The DMZ White Lotus Faction Mission ‘Humanitarian Relief’ asks players to find and extract Medical Supplies. At this point, players should be well versed to completing these extraction Missions. When completing the Tiers of the Factions, players should often attempt these Missions together. Allowing you to get to Tier 5 across all three Factions at roughly the same time as each other. That way you can run multiple Missions at once in a single deployment. This is our guide on how to complete the Tier 5 White Lotus Mission ‘Humanitarian Relief’ in Warzone 2.0 DMZ. Upon completion, players gain 20,000 XP for Tier 5 Missions and the X13 Auto Contraband Weapon to use.
‘Humanitarian Relief’ Mission Summary
In ‘Humanitarian Relief’ players must find 40 Bandages, 25 Self Revives and 40 Aspirin. The Bandages need to be dropped off at the Dead Drop point inside Sa’id City. Whilst you must exfil with the Aspirin and Self Revives in hand.
Related: How to Complete Contractual Obligations in Warzone 2.0 DMZ.
How to Complete ‘Humanitarian Relief’
If you have arrived to Tier 5 across all Factions in DMZ it may be best to assign both the Mission ‘Good Prep‘ for Legion Faction whilst you attempt the ‘Humanitarian Relief’ Mission. The reason for this is due to both Missions taking place within the same locations. This means that whether you find the stock you are looking for or not, you can tick items off the list for either Mission.
Where to Find Medical Supplies
Medical Supplies such as the items we are looking for in this Mission, can be found inside Hospitals. There are 5 Hospital locations across Al Mazrah. These are:
- C3 – East from Rohan Oil.

- D6 – South side of Sa-id City.

- x2 H5 – First Hospital is east of Mawizen Marshlands and Al Sharim Pass. Second Hospital is across the river from first H5 Hospital and south-east of Al Sharim Pass.

- D8 – South-east inside Sawah Village.

Check inside Medical Cabinets inside the Hospitals. Whilst Medical Supplies can be found throughout the Map, inside Houses and other facilities, Hospitals are the best place to check to obtain the items you are looking for. Both Bandages and Aspirin can be stacked in your inventory, therefore you should only need to visit the Sa’id Dead Drop once to drop off the Bandages.
Bandage Drop Off
Remember that you must drop these off to tick off the objective. Below is a screenshot of the exact location where the Sa’id Dead Drop can be found. This place is highly guarded and may have other Operators trying to drop off their goods. Keep that in mind before you go running in to drop off the Bandages.

Creating a Route
You may have a harder time finding and collecting the Self Revives due to other players wanting to find these. Whether that be for their own Missions or to survive longer during their deployment. However, these just like Aspirin and Bandages can be found in the Hospitals of Al Mazrah. You should use a land vehicle to get to the 5 Hospitals quickly. If you happen to spawn near a Helo, this is an ideal vehicle to use however there is no need to go out your way to get one for this Mission. You may wish to start your route at Al Sharim Pass and go anti-clockwise around the Map. Hitting the order of Al Sharim Pass, Al Mazrah City, Rohlan Oil, Sa’id City and ending at Sawah Village.
DMZ allows players to stack Self Revives however you cannot carry nearly as much as Aspirin and Bandages. For that reason make sure that you have a large enough backpack to exfil with both the Aspirin and Self Revives.
We hope this guide on how to complete the Tier 5 White Lotus Mission ‘Humanitarian Relief’ helped you. For more White Lotus Faction guides, we have How to Complete Death from Above in Warzone 2.0 DMZ and How to Land a Light Helo on Hafid Port Helipad in Warzone 2.0 DMZ. If you are interested, you can follow us on our Facebook page to stay up to date on all of our Warzone 2.0 DMZ guides.
Published: Feb 3, 2023 07:09 am