Year 6 of Destiny 2 has seemingly started in a very odd place when you gather opinions from the community. However one thing that most players can agree on is that the seasonal missions for Season of the Defiance are very fun. While each specific mission isn’t a hit out of the park, Defiant Battlegrounds as a whole has been an enjoyable experience. During the Orbital Prison mission, you are going to be facing a dangerous Shadow Legion final boss. This Cabal leader will throw up his shield and will require the fireteam to do a bit outside the bubble thinking. Let’s fly out and figure out how to beat Bracus Kravaum in Destiny 2.
How to Beat Bracus Kravaum in Destiny 2

The Orbital Prison Defiant Battleground will have your fireteam traverse the Ascendant Plane, locate the ally prisoners, and free them. Simply follow the objectives and you will make your way through this Nightfall-esque mission, and you will eventually come face to face with the big bad boss, Bracus Kravaum.
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This Cabal Shadow Legion leader is first positioned in the middle of the arena, above the trapped prisoners. Deal enough damage until the first third of his health bar is depleted, and he will go invulnerable. From there, you should see a marker on your HUD leading you towards the back left side of the room. If you’ve been taking part in the Season of the Defiance missions, this setup should look very familiar to you. Ignite the Balefire, and stand inside the circle so you don’t take any damage. You’ll need to take care of Taken enemies until 2 Ravenous Taken Knights spawn. Kill these knights, and they will drop Taken essence.
Two players will need to step out of the circle, grab these essences, and consecrate them at the Balefire. Only one person can pick up one Taken essence at a time. After interacting with the Balefire, you will be holding an orb. This orb, when thrown at Bracus, will deplete some of his shield. You will need to hit him with 3 orbs before he is damageable again. After getting rid of the second part of his health bar, he will go invulnerable again and you will have to rinse and repeat the process we stated, this time on the far right side of the arena. After getting rid of his last shield, eliminate his health and free the prisoners to complete the mission, and you will now know how to beat Bracus Kravaum in Destiny 2.
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Published: Mar 29, 2023 11:20 am