If ever there was a time to be marking your enemies for death in Fortnite, that time would be now. Though the game has implemented tools like bows to mark your enemies for the kill, Chapter 4 Season 1 really brought the heat with an array of various items and abilities for players to have at their disposal in order to make sure no enemy is left unseen by them and their teammates.
And with recent quests becoming “marking enemy focused”, it’s the best time to talk about how to do so. So, let’s answer the question of, “how do you mark enemies in Fortnite?”.
How do you mark enemies in Fortnite?

Perhaps the easiest way you’re going to be marking enemies is a default option that you can press on your controller or keyboard. It’s the same button or key that you use for marking items that you want your teammates to pick up. Simply hold the button/key when aiming at an enemy and it’ll outline them in red and place a red diamond above their head. On PC it’s Mouse 3 and the controller is the Left D-Pad.
Related: Best Combat Augments in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 1
Players have a couple of other ways of marking enemies in Chapter 4 Season 1 as well, with things such as the Augments. There are two Augments that can automatically mark enemies for you so that you don’t have to do any of the work. Those Augments are the Storm Mark which highlights enemies in your area when the storm closes, as well as Bloodhound which allows the enemies you hit with bow or marksman rifle shots to be marked for a brief duration.
Additionally, players can now use the Falcon Scout; a robot bird that can be sent into the sky and scout areas for enemies. This will allow you to scan and mark any enemies that the Falcon Scout can see. This too will count towards any enemy marking quests that you need to complete.
So, those are all of the different ways that you can mark enemies in Fortnite! If this helped you out, then consider checking out some of our other great Fortnite guides too, such as “How to Use the Party Time Augment in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 1”. And don’t forget to like Gamer Journalist on Facebook as well for all of the latest on Fortnite.
Published: Jan 18, 2023 10:33 am