Heavy Handed is one of the best mods in Destiny 2. It overhauls how some classes play the game, which no other Destiny 2 mod has done since Protective Light. Despite its power, there are still a lot of players out there unfamiliar with what Heavy Handed does. We aim to fix that.
We’re going to go over what Heavy Handed is, what it does, how to use it, and how to obtain it. If you’ve never used this mod yourself – then you’re missing out.
Heavy Handed Destiny 2 – What it Does

Heavy Handed in Destiny 2 is a Charged with Light (CWL) combat-style mod. Its element is Arc, and it costs seven energy to equip. This makes it one of the most expensive mods in the entire game.
Naturally, because of how costly it is, Heavy Handed’s effect is very powerful. When you have a stack of Charged with Light and use your charged melee ability, Heavy Handed will consume one CWL stack and refund half of your melee energy back.
Heavy Handed also has a secondary effect that activates when you have another Arc mod slotted into the same piece of armor. That effect refunds your special ammo if you’re surrounded and get kills with a shotgun or fusion rifle – also an incredibly powerful effect.
Heavy Handed is one of the best mods in the entire game. Not just because of its base effect – but because it can stack with other mods, namely Melee Kickstart.
Heavy Handed enables you to do some pretty busted stuff. It enables Hunters to have 100% uptime on their invisibility, and supplements Titan Hammer builds incredibly well. The only class it doesn’t elevate is Warlocks, but that’s what the Firepower mod is for.
Heavy Handed Destiny 2 – How to Get it

To get Heavy Handed in Destiny 2, you need to purchase it from Ada-1. Unfortunately, Ada only sells a handful of mods every day, and they rotate daily. The rotation that the mods are on is random, which can make getting Heavy Handed somewhat difficult. Some mods have genuinely gone over nine months without being sold – so you’ll have to check in with Ada every day to make sure you don’t miss it when it does appear.
Published: Sep 27, 2022 07:37 am